August 4, 2007

5 Advantages Of Pursuing An Online Certificate

5 Advantages Of Pursuing An Online Certificate by Garrick Banks

The opportunity to get an education online has never been
better. Don't assume that an online education will be any bit
easier than a traditional one - you will still need to do plenty
of studying and exams. Just like a traditional school, you will
be able to apply for grants and scholarships. A great number of
people have already completed their studies entirely through an
online program - now you can too.

1. Spend More Time Learning

Not only is this a great opportunity to learn at your own pace,
but you will be able to learn anywhere, even in your own home.
Even if you spend only an hour or two going from home to school
each day, that means you will end up spending several hundred
hours each month just wasted in transit to and from school.
Instead, you could use those hours productively!

2. Studies Work Around Your Schedule

Many professors can only teach during certain times of day. An
online program removes this boundary - students can contact the
professor anytime. You will never have to worry about office
hours again - if you have a question, simply email your
instructor and they will usually get back to you within a few

3. Learn Better

- Accommodates multiple learning styles and mediums

- Fosters greater student interaction and collaboration

- Students vastly prefer online learning

- Skip over material you already know and focus on topics youd
like to learn

4. Get A Four Year Degree In Two Years

It is possible for students to learn at their own pace - this
means that some students will graduate from a 2 year program in
3 or even 4 years, whereas other students will graduate in 1
year, or even six months. Material costs are usually very low
for online courses.

5. Costs Up To Fifty Percent Less

You can learn a class online for about half the cost of the
regular course. Interesting materials such as video lectures,
taped lectures, and such, may be mailed to you. You can have all
your student loans paid off years in advance of your peers if
you take advantage of an online education.

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