August 4, 2007

10 Reasons to Buy an Online Gift Certificate

10 Reasons to Buy an Online Gift Certificate by Phillip Fuller

Gift certificates are possibly one of mankind's finest
achievements. They're super easy to give, and everyone loves to
get them. Now the seemingly impossible has happened: gift
certificates have gotten ever better! They've been swept by the
Internet revolution, and now you can give friends and loved ones
online gift certificates.

Need convincing? Look no further. Here are 10 reasons to buy
online gift certificates.

1. They're quick and easy to purchase.

You can buy an online gift certificates in minutes--literally.
No driving to the store, and no waiting in line. Shopping for a
present has never been easier.

2. They're perfect last-minute gifts.

Here's the scene: You forgot your sister's birthday--and the
party's tonight. You're swamped at work, the kids have soccer
practice, and the repairman is coming to replace your seemingly
demonically possessed dishwasher. There's no way you can battle
the mall and wander around waiting for the gift muse to strike
you with inspiration. No worries. Pull out the plastic, and buy
her an online gift certificate to her favorite store.

3. They don't have to be mailed.

If the recipient of your gift lives out of town, you'll have to
pop your gift in the mail. Mailing a present tacks on a few
extra bucks to the cost of your gift, and the post office is as
about as much fun as being put on the racks. An online gift
certificate, however, can be sent for free via email.

4. They'll always arrive on time.

After your purchase is completed, the gift certificate will show
up in the recipient's inbox within seconds. Even "guaranteed
overnight delivery" can't really guarantee on time delivery. No
freak ice storm will delay your gift's arrival!

5. They're ideal for the busy folks in your life.

We all know someone who goes a million miles an hour. They've
barely got time to breathe, let alone spend an afternoon
shopping. Online gift certificates are much quicker to spend
than a regular gift certificate. There's no store to drive to,
and instead of walking around looking for what you want, you can
just type a few keywords into the search box.

6. They'll brighten up the recipient's day.

Imagine a gift certificate popping up in your email as you're
trudging through a Wednesday afternoon at work. That's one
surprise that everyone is sure to love!

7. You can buy gift certificates for stores that aren't in your

Let's say your brother's absolute favorite store is Cufflinks R
Us. Unfortunately, the Cufflinks R Us franchise hasn't made it
to your town yet. Instead of driving to the next state over,
just stop by their website and buy the gift certificate online.

9. You don't have to buy a card.

Online gift certificates can be sent via email. That means no
need to buy a card to put it in. Besides, wouldn't driving to
the store defeat the whole purpose of shopping online? Add the
$5 you would have spent on a card (man, those things are a
shakedown!) to the amount of the gift certificate.

10. You never have to worry about finding an
occasion-appropriate card.

Gift cards are pretty fancy these days. They come in colors and
designs that suit the occasion, like cards with wedding cake on
them for bridal showers. So what happens when you're shopping
for a birthday present and the only gift cards available are
baby shower-themed? With online gift certificates, it's sayonara
rubber ducky.

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