July 29, 2007

Points To Consider When Choosing An Online University Degree

Title: 8 Points To Consider When Choosing An Online University Degree
Program by Jullie Harvard

Since the introduction of online degree programs, more and more
colleges and universities offer online degree programs with
subject areas range from business to nursing, degrees from
Bachelor to MBAs and Ph.Ds. Online degree programs enable busy
people to pursue their degree from any places and at their own

But, with the rapid growth and high demand in online degree
programs, many fake online degree programs have been introduced
by unaccredited online universities. Mistakenly earning a fake
online degree definitely will not help in your educational
journey. Thus, if you are considering online universities for
your degree or career training, there are a few important points
to consider in choosing your online degree offers by online
university. This article will lists down 8 of them for your
reference: <ol> <li>How long has the universities been
established? While a short educational history is not a red
flag, a long-standing position in the educational committee is a
sign of institutional security and reputability. </li> <li>Is
the online university accredited? Accreditation ensures a basic
level of quality in the education you receive from an
institution. It also ensures your degrees will be recognized for
the true achievements they are. Most potential employers review
a job applicant's educational history to make sure that he or
she has received his or her education from a college,
university, or program with accreditation. If your degree,
diploma, or certificate comes from a school without
accreditation, it could hurt your chances for future employment.
</li> <li>What is the institution's financial history/current
position? Beware of fly-by-night operations that may not be in
business next year! </li> <li>What other expenses are
associated with your selected online degree course? Many online
degree programs may require you to attend some hours of physical
classes or lab works. Thus, the online universities may assess
additional items such as technology fees or lab costs. </li>
<li>Does the coursework of your selected online degree program
meet your educational goal? Taking irrelevant courses may waste
your time and money. Ask for a list of coursework of your
selected degree program and review it against your educational
goal before you decide to sign up. </li> <li>How current is
the course material? Ask for a list of current textbooks or
other learning materials to ensure they are current and
relevant. </li> <li>What technological support is available to
you as their online student? Online Universities normally has a
webpage for online student which allow you to logon to view your
coursework status, assignment submission, getting support from
online university on any course related issues and access online
library if any. Check with online university on these related
information. </li> <li>What student services are available to
online students? Full advising, placement, and tutoring services
may or may not be available to long-distance learners. Get this
information from the online universities; it is important to
know how much the online university can support you as their
online student.</li> </ol> In conclusion, get as much as
information on your selected online university's program and
review it to see whether it is truthful in its advertising and
recruiting and the most important is whether it meet your
education need and career goal.

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