July 29, 2007

Online Degrees: Almeda University and the Wikipedia Scoff

Online Degrees: Almeda University and the Wikipedia Scoff by Shubhanyu Jain

Any new shoot that comes out of the soil has to face hardships
to gain a strong foothold. Almeda University is no exception.
Almeda, with its unique 'life experience degrees' has created
quite a stir in the industry since its inception in 1997.

Oh ok, isn't this the Almeda University who has been bad-mouthed
a lot in the media and on the internet through various forums
and Wikipedia? Yes, it is. Want to know some hardcore facts?
Read on.

<b>What's the Hype About? </b>

Well, the hype is all about Almeda University offering degrees
to its students. Isn't that what a university is supposed to do?
So what's the hype for? Interesting question and a highly
practical one!

Practical? Of Course! The hype is all about practicality. The
hype is all about going the yet untraded path.

<b>Facts about Almeda University</b>

Contrary to what you may read elsewhere, here is a list of
simple facts which should serve as an eye-opener. These facts
should also assist you in deciding whether Almeda University is
your neighborhood 'diploma mill' or a proper institution run by

For starters, the intake age is between 35 and 54, with the
average Almeda graduate standing tall at 41 years of age. I am
prepared to bet on it that you did not know this simple fact -
because it has been conspicuously kept from you. Why?

For it blatantly means that Almeda degrees are not for everyone
- they are designed for a very specific clientele in mind. And
that clientele is such that it poses no threat to Almeda's

The word 'practical' is of consequence - it is the only word of
essence to what Almeda does. You are given a degree based on
your actual 'practical' experience - not your theoretical
knowledge. Your skills are assessed not by words but you are
required to prove your skills.

And this 'practical' experience is recognized by means of
awarding you a 'degree'. To show the world that yes, you have
the practical experience required for some jobs. That is why
Almeda degrees are not accepted in public sector jobs.

Hold it! Yes, that is another fact hidden from you by the
critics, and you are made aware of it in a way which makes you
feel Almeda doesn't want you to know it. Quite contrarily,
Almeda clearly states on its website that Almeda degrees are not
for any and everyone and that these degrees are invalid for
public sector jobs - but the critics lash out at Almeda saying
that these degrees do not work with public sector jobs.

Think about it, they make it sound like that's a bad thing; they
make it sound as if Almeda hides this piece of information from
you. In reality, it does not.

I would suggest, and you may not be able to counter my
suggestion - if you have ANY hunch regarding Almeda, let the
solution come straight from the horse's mouth rather than
hearing to the people on the internet or your neighborhood - let
the Almeda Customer Care help you. Why?

Because Almeda is here for business. And they know that business
can not be done by fooling customers. They will give you the
most accurate information.

And why not regard the opinions on the forums and Wikipedia?
Simply because people are opinionated! It is an old saying, only
the wearer knows where the shoe pinches. Only an Almeda graduate
knows how his prospects have changed after getting the degree -
the degree enjoys acceptance in 67% of the corporates.

How would those people who have never known about Almeda know
what it feels like? How would they know about the superior
refund policies offered by Almeda? Ask the person who got his
fees back, not those who are sitting and blurting anything.

Isn't it getting long? Let's stop writing here, and let's start
thinking instead.

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