June 23, 2009

Guidelines for PhD Dissertation Proposal


PhD dissertation proposal serves the main purpose of enabling the PhD student marking a position in their thesis problem. It includes an outline for time management and hypothesis. The dissertation proposal content addresses:

1. STUDY FOCUS: by focusing on the outline of the study, students should also focus on their goals and objectives which they aim to achieve. If they are planning for a formal type hypothesis they should inform at this stage

2. LITERATURE REVIEW: The literature review indicates that student's knowledge and understanding of the related subject field. Students should deliver the updated knowledge and information. For PhD thesis, students should try to demonstrate their knowledge and framework of theory.

3. METHODOLOGY: this section mainly depends on the relative discipline and approach towards research, this part evaluates the way for the accomplishment of the goals. Methodology describes the experiments, the process of "how" and "why" they are performed. • Design of statistical principles • Method of collecting data • The problems and hurdles • Solution of the problems The progress in the initial stages of study should be included here

4. CONSEQUENCES: the expected results and consequences are a part of this section. Questions may not be answered generally, but it is beneficial to outline answers for it. This can be a unique and one of its type contributions to give knowledge and information that is expected from the candidates

5. SCHEDULING: a timetable or scheduling of work can make the job easier for you, the progress can be monitored and identifiable.

6. FIGURES AND FACTS: including facts and figures have always been appreciated. Literature should always be referenced. This can help people access the source of information. Now, here are some tips that are essential for the presentation of the PhD dissertation proposal: • Leave double space for the notation by HDRAC Higher Degrees Review and Admission Committee. • PhD proposal should be of 20 pages, figures, tables and references should not be included in that • Each page should be numbered • A clipped document is considered to be well-organized PATTERN FOR THE TITLE PAGE: The title page is of very importance. For a proposal of a PhD a title page is an indicator for the following: • Name of the candidate • Student's number • Faculty • Title • Supervisor's name • Associate professor's name
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About the Author
Rachael Jones is an emerging writer, making marks in the education field and student's related issues
She is a member of dissertation provider UK
Dissertation Samples

Source: PhD programs information at www.goarticles.com

Optional Education : Online PhD Programs, Distance Learning Doctoral Degrees, Online Doctor Universities.

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