August 10, 2007

Traditional Higher Education Degree Programs

Traditional Higher Education Degree Programs

Designed for working professionals who are at least 25 years of age with a minimum of two years of work experience. Bachelor and Master degree programs require you to successfully complete ten courses for the Bachelor's and eight courses for the Master's aided by syllabi, problems and text books. You complete the exams in the privacy of your home and mail or fax the answers. An instructor will be available to offer help, grade your exams and guide you throughout the learning process. You will also be required to complete a Senior Research Project.

Master Of Business Administration - Online Education MBA

Finance - MBA Degree Online

GB330 - Micro Economics
GB610 - Financial Management
GB710 - Entrepreneurship & Management
GB130 - International Business Law
GB660 - Portfolio Analysis
GB630 - Capital Budgeting
GB360 - International Trade & Finance
GB620 - Investment Analysis
GB800 - Research Project

Marketing - MBA Degree Online

GB130 - International Business Law
GB330 - Micro Economics
GB510 - Marketing Management
GB710 - Entrepreneurship & Management
GB520 - International Marketing
GB550 - Marketing Research
GB540 - Advertising & Promotion
GB560 - Consumer Behavior
GB800 - Research Project

Economics - MBA Degree Online

GB130 - International Business Law
GB330 - Micro Economics
GB510 - Marketing Management
GB710 - Entrepreneurship & Management
GB340 - Macro Economics
GB610 - Financial Management
GB640 - Money & Banking
GB360 - International Trade & Finance
GB800 - Research Project

International Business - MBA Degree Online

GB130 - International Business Law
GB510 - Marketing Management
GB710 - Entrepreneurship & Management
GB360 - International Trade & Finance
GB520 - International Marketing
GB450 - International Business
GB610 - Financial Management
GB340 - Macro Economics
GB800 - Research Project

General Business Management - MBA Degree Online

GB130 - International Business Law
GB510 - Marketing Management
GB710 - Entrepreneurship & Management
GB520 - International Marketing
GB610 - Financial Management
GB330 - Micro Economics
GB360 - International Trade & Finance
GB410 - Managerial Accounting
GB800 - Research Project

Course Description For MBA Degree Programs In Finance - Marketing - International Business - Management - Economics

GB130 - International Business Law
Laws related to international commerce, licensing, trade, investment and solving disputes.

GB330 - Macro Economics
Consumer demand, product selection, cost and price, consumer preference, market factors.

GB340 - Macro Economics
Theories concerning national income and how it affects consumer investing and government spending

GB360 - International Trade and Finance
Global flow of goods, capital and services, trade policies, NAFTA, European Economic Community, IMF, International Trade Organization and trade policies

GB410 - Managerial Accounting
Emphasis on interrelationship pf accounting information and management decisions, discussion of costs for planning and control, how choices among accounting techniques and systems are aimed at helping operating decisions by top management, and discussion on managerial accountant's duties being effective with executive planning and control.

GB450 - International Business
Economic factors, legal and political policies, cultural differences facing business in today's world.
GB510 - Marketing Management
Product Development, pricing, marketing activities - how to plan and manage, distribution, promotion.

GB520 - International Marketing
Factors that effect international marketing, cultural differences in the Global Village, distribution systems, promotional and pricing methods, trade barriers.

GB540 - Advertising and Promotion
Media selection, result evaluation, creative advertising, production and management techniques in advertising

GB550 - Marketing Research
Analysis of information system needs for marketing decision making, study of data collection methods, interpretation of consumer responses, exploratory, descriptive, observational, experimental and simulation research.

GB560 - Consumer Behavior
Relevant psychological, sociological and anthropological variables that shape intentions, activities and motivations of those involved in exchange process. Attention to individual and social influence determinants of buying and consumer behavior.

GB610 - Financial Management
Corporate policies, sources of capital funds, working capital and how to manage, investment and capital budgeting.

GB620 - Investment Analysis
In depth look at security analysis

GB630 - Capital Budgeting
How to plan, evaluate, allocate and manage capital assets, costs of capital, rate of return, profit planning.

GB640 - Money & Banking
Functions and forms of money, depository institutions, central banking policies, and international monetary systems.

GB660 - Portfolio Analysis
Organization and functioning of securities markets, efficient capital markets, modern portfolio management, asset pricing models, security valuation principles and practices, analysis and management of stocks and bonds, securities and evaluation of performance.

GB710 - Entrepreneurship and Management
How to create and manage a new business

Research Project
You will select a topic that is related to your MBA major. Your academic paper must demonstrate your ability to research - analyze - criticize and relate the subject matter to your work experience.

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