August 4, 2007

Genuine Schools Which Offer Online Or Distance Education

Online Master Distance Education Degree: Become a Master in Your Field! by Jim Zorn

An online master distance education degree gives non-traditional
students a second chance to boost their career prospects,
without compromising their work and family responsibilities. If
you already have a bachelor's degree, you can earn an online
master's degree, in the same field, within a year.

Some of the popular subjects for online master's degrees are
Business Administration, Education, Management, Technology,
Computer Science and Psychology. Many people, who want to teach
college level courses, return to school to earn their master's
degree after gaining practical work experience.

Adding a master's degree to your career portfolio can make a
world of difference to your career prospects.

Benefits of getting an online master's degree

An online master distance education degree can help you to
improve your career prospects and salary potential. Master's
degrees earned through distance learning are not different in
any way from degrees awarded to students of traditional classes.

More and more people are acquiring undergraduate degrees and
people with master's degrees tend to be preferred for the top
positions in organizations.

If you join an online master distance education degree program,
you can study at any time and from anywhere. You will not be
tied down to attending lectures at fixed times, since study
material is available on CDs or can be downloaded.

A master's degree allows you to study a subject in greater depth
than an undergraduate degree. It involves writing a thesis and
this offers you a chance to do research on a subject that
interests you. By gaining more knowledge about your field, you
can lay the foundation for doctoral study.

What it is like to get an online master's degree

Lessons for online master's degree courses are usually delivered
through the Internet every few days and tests and assignments
are scheduled for the end of each lesson.

You can attend an electronic classroom and chat with other
students as well as instructors. You can do research in an
electronic library and submit homework through e-mail.

Though much of your coursework may be online, there may be a
practical component, for which you will be required to travel to
a learning center occasionally. There are fewer classes for
master's degree programs than there are for undergraduate
programs, but the classes are usually more intense, especially
if they are project-based.

Graduate education is more demanding than undergraduate learning
and it requires more discipline. It also offers plenty of
opportunities to network with your peers which in the long term
can help you find the job of your choice.

It pays to ensure that you meet all the requirements of an
online master's degree before you submit your application,
because application fees are usually not refundable.

It is worth researching your choices before you enroll for an
online master distance education degree. Look for a school or
program that is recognized by employers and will help you to
enhance your value in the job market.

About the author:
Jim Zorn is web master of the Guide to Distance Learning. Visit
us to learn more about online colleges and universities,
distance learning degrees, majors and courses offered.

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