August 4, 2007

Distance Learning, Online Education, Electronic Education, Electronic Learning...Call It What You Want.

Distance Learning, Online Distance Education, Electronic Education, Electronic Learning...Call It What You Want. by Barbara Snyder M.A.

Whatever you want to label "learning at home" , distance education online, and however you want to define the latest buzz words for non-traditional education, you can find a program and method that suits your needs, distance education online. Form of distance learning, with a Projected expansion to 2.3 million in just a few years.

In looking at this rapidly expanding and viable form of
education and training, there are a few basic things you need to
consider and some decisions you need to make in order to create
the environment that will best suit your needs. You need to know
the what, the why, the benefits and the how of the various forms
of distance learning.

Distance learning (correspondence courses) started in Europe in
the 1800's and has evolved into a multifaceted term that serves
many purposes. Some of the forms of distance learning are:
correspondence courses, online education, internet based
education, electronic education, e-education, electronic
learning, and e-learning. How these terms differ will depend
upon how the institution defines and labels the programs which
they offer. To simplify the whole concept, let's say that these
terms represent ways of learning away from a "brick and mortar"
facility. Some distance learning and/or online programs may or
may not be connected to a university or college. There are many
programs that are independent and are not affiliated with any

Online Distance learning offers a variety of paths to personal goals
which include: GED, associate degrees, bachelor degrees,
graduate certificates, master degrees, doctoral degrees,
non-credit training courses, and others. Whether a person is
seeking a degree, keeping professional skills updated, or
pursuing skills for an interest area or hobby, there is a
program or offering that should work.

Why are so many people turning to online distance learning? What are
its advantages? On a personal level look at such pros as:
maintaining privacy; provides convenience; enables a flexible
schedule; allows for balancing job and family obligations;
working at own pace, going slowly or accelerating learning; can
be less expensive; great for homebound individuals; no
unnecessary travel; no formal class attendance; and can "learn
while you earn." These are a few of the many things that are
causing quite a number of people to take an entirely different
approach to attaining knowledge/skills and/or earning a degree.

Those who advocate against an alternative of distance online learning,
often site the lack of socialization which is a part of a
traditional type of education. However, not everyone is looking
for the classroom activities, college events/parties, and the
interactions that are a part of a school campus. Many of the
classroom activities such as discussion and support can be
achieved online. The other things that an online education will
reinforce are: reading - ebooks, up to date references, current
research; listening - through audio lectures or clips; seeing-
through graphic illustrations and demonstrations; doing -
assignments, quizzes, exams, research papers; and
speaking/communication - through email, chats, and electronic
discussions. A distance learning program can be far more than
just reading and writing.

What are the requirements for becoming a part of a distance
learning online program? Many programs require a minimum of a GED or
taking an admissions test. Usually, the process for applying
will include: an application; transcripts; test scores; an
essay; and letters of recommendation. The less formal the
program, the less formal the requirements. There is a wide range
in answering this questions. However, what is necessary for an
online program is the right computer equipment with the internet
connection (high speed), word processing capability; email; and
multimedia player. The program you choose will provide more
specific details for recommendation about equipment and software.

In choosing a program there some questions to ask as you do your
research and make your selection. Ask about the following:
help/support is offered; qualifications of the instructors;
number of years the institution has provided services; is it an
accredited program; details about the curriculum; and multimedia
elements of the program. By the way, accreditation is voluntary
since there is no officially sanctioned entity in existence.
However, most schools considered the six regional accrediting
agencies listings to be legitimate agencies. Ask if it is
regionally accredited.

The last thing you need to think about is your motivation and
work ethic. If you are a good reader (good reading comprehension
skills) who doesn't procrastinate and can avoid distractions,
you will be a good candidate for an alternative approach to
education. In this age of global education and the need for
current knowledge and skills, this is a fast delivery system
that will bring all the technological advancement right into
your living room instantaneously. It works for more than a
million people, and it can work for you.

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