August 15, 2007

Advantages and Disadvantages of Distance Education Online Graduate Programs

Advantages and Disadvantages of Distance Education Online Graduate Programs by Groshan Fabiola

Distance Education Online graduate programs let people earn their chosen degree at their own pace without having to leave the comfort of home. Anyone thinking of going for a distance education online program should know, however, that this type of education still requires some sort of attendance. It may be for orientation, for weekend contact classes or for submitting a thesis at the end of a course. But when it comes to distance education online graduate programs, everything from the admission to awarding the degree is done completely electronically. Students won't even have to leave their neighborhood most of the time in order to earn a Masters in Accounting or a Doctor of Education.

The admission process for all distance education online graduate programs is more or less the same as for regular programs, where GPA and GRE scores play an important role. In the case of full-time employed students, however, more importance will often be given to their work experience. Online distance education graduate programs also offer a large array of specializations. Students have to choose a major for your master's degree programs, and many distance education online graduate programs include a host of minors to impart comprehensive knowledge of the subject. For a business management degree in finance, for example, students may have to study statistics, banking, accounting, strategy, and organizational behavior.

Another distinct advantage of distance education online graduate programs is that students may get their degree in a much shorter time than if they were to attend a regular college. Thanks to all of these advantages, as well as the flexibility, distance education online graduate programs are becoming a preferred choice for completing master's degree programs for a growing number of people. Those who are employed and can't attend regular college will see the benefits of a distance education online program, as well as foreign student who want to earn an American degree. Due to the increasing popularity of online education, many traditional universities have also started distance education online graduate programs.

As it is with most great inventions, though, distance education online graduate programs have some inherent disadvantages. Before enrolling for a distance learning online program, students must confirm the credentials of the college and of the master's degree programs of their choice. Unless both of them are accredited by a recognized agency, then that money and effort will go down the drain. Another disadvantage linked to distance education online graduate programs is that obtaining financial assistance will be difficult since students aren't always treated as a full-time student.

The admission process of distance education online graduate programs is as tough and the course material is as respectable as with traditional programs. Many employers, however, seem to give more preference to candidates with regular degrees. Online distance education graduate programs are growing in popularity, which might start to change this point of view. This just means candidates have to prove their worth.

In light of these facts, potential students should choose a distance education online program whose name is well-known and whose credentials are beyond suspicion. It is much easier to convince an employer of your abilities once the quality of your degree is established.

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