August 10, 2007

Advanced Standing Online Clinical Psychology PsyD Option in Fresno/Sacramento

Advanced Standing Online Clinical Psychology PsyD Option in Fresno/Sacramento

The Advanced Standing Online Clinical Psychology PsyD Option offers a new method of completing requirements for the Clinical PsyD Program in Fresno/Sacramento. The program combines quality online teaching with face to face instruction in clinical skill development.

This post-master’s program is designed to retain CSPP’s high quality academic standards and recognize the experience and training of mental health professionals who hold a master’s degree prior to matriculation, while decreasing the length of matriculation and decreasing the length of residency. The program may be completed in three years, rather than the usual minimum of four years.

Convenience for Working Clinicians Seeking to Advance their Careers
The program provides a doctoral opportunity to master's level clinicians who are either licensed or certified in their field (e.g., LMFT, LCSW, and School Psychologist) and whose access to face-to-face doctoral training is limited by resource or geographical issues. One year of course work is eliminated based upon transfer credit and documented supervised clinical experience. The remaining three years of the program are structured with a blend of online and on-ground requirements, including a year of online courses, a year of on-ground courses in Fresno or Sacramento, and an internship in the final year.

Online PsyD ProgramCourses
During the first year of matriculation, students become part of a learning community which meets face to face four times during the academic year for purposes of orientation, community building, technology training and course initiation. An additional 30 units of core theoretical courses are offered in a web-based format online (e.g. History and Systems, Social Foundations, etc.)

Adult learners attend the program, via online courses, year round, with 13 units in fall and 12 in spring and 7 offered during the summer months.

Face to Face Courses in Fresno, Videoconferenced Courses in Sacramento
The next thirty units of the program are offered in face-to-face format at the Fresno campus or with a combination of face to face and videoconference technology to Sacramento. This second program year is composed of courses that are less amenable to web-based learning and evaluation (e.g., Psychological Assessment and Psychotherapy courses). Students in the program take these courses through the available Fresno or Sacramento campus-based curriculum.

The final year of the program consists of placement in a full-time internship program.

This program is currently approved by WASC and has been developed to meet APA accreditation criteria for distance learning, but is not yet accredited. APA’s accreditation policies require that students be enrolled in all year levels of the program option prior to application for accreditation so application for APA accreditation is scheduled to occur during the 2007-08 academic year.

Frequently Asked Questions
How will the program save me time and money?

Tuition and fees will be reduced by approximately $24,000 for the doctoral program, based on the 30 units of credit granted for demonstration of supervised clinical experience and transfer units from previous master’s degree coursework. Students may also decide to continue to work full time during the first year of the program. Because the first year is comprised of online courses, students may complete the course requirements during evening hours or on the weekend.

How can I be assured of high quality instruction?

All instructors teaching in the program’s online component are core faculty members at the Fresno/Sacramento or San Francisco campuses. These are innovative and seasoned instructors with a desire to move into the newest technologies available. They were chosen for their content expertise and dedication to student learning. They also have full time commitments to CSPP and are dedicated to working as a team for the success of this program.

Will I get to know my instructors and other students?

Online instruction is not a “sit at home by yourself and learn in isolation” endeavor. It is a highly interactive medium, where students are required to communicate weekly with the instructor and other students, sharing ideas and expertise about the week’s topic. Faculty use discussion boards rather than chat rooms so students’ thoughts can be posted at any time and will remain available for others to respond to during the entire course. In addition, students will attend three meetings on the Fresno campus during the first year of instruction, meeting professors and fellow students, sharing social time and reviewing course requirements.

Do I have to move to Fresno or Sacramento or can I take the face to face courses at another CSPP/Alliant campus?

The Advanced Standing Online option is only offered at the Fresno/Sacramento campus. Students may not take the courses at another campus.

Is the program accredited?

The program is approved by the Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC). This approval grants students the right to sit for licensure in almost every state. Since the American Psychological Association (APA) will not accredit this program option until all year levels of classes are full, the accreditation process should occur in the 2007-08 academic year. While there are no guarantees, the associate program director has successfully completed three APA accreditation processes, one including distance learning strategies.

Can I do my internship in another country?

The Clinical Psychology PsyD program requires students to complete the internship requirement at an APA- CAPIC- or APPIC-approved internship site. Currently, these approved internships are offered only in the US and Canada.

Can I select an emphasis area for this program?

Yes. Students may select an emphasis area. Emphasis area coursework is in addition to the minimum course requirements for this program and would, therefore, add units (time and tuition) to the program.

How do I apply?

Submit an application to the Clinical Psychology PsyD program using the regular CSPP Clinical Psychology Application Packet, selecting “Clinical Psychology Online PsyD” in the Enrollment Information section of Form A. Please also review the special instructions for the online option.

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