July 29, 2007

Would A University Online Degree Suit You?

Would A University Online Degree Suit You? by Wade Robins

It is quite interesting to note that individuals considering
committing to a college degree nearly always exclusively
consider campus-based programs. Very few even think about taking
an accredited online degree, which is just as good as campus
learning in the real world. Many potential students baulk at the
idea of taking a university online degree because it means
venturing into the unknown. Very few people actually know enough
about accredited online college degrees in order to make a
decision, and very few attempt to do the research to find out!
The purpose of this article is therefore to give you a quick
guide to university online degrees so you are quipped to judge
whether it will suit you or not.

All degrees from recognised schools are hard work. Accredited
online college degrees are no different, so if you think for one
second that this option will provide you with an easy ride then
you are sadly mistaken. Often, course content varies very little
between the two but the methods of learning have very little in
common, which is why you must investigate both in order to
determine the one that suits you best.

University online degrees are all about self-discipline. If you
are a weak person, prone to procrastination or laziness, then a
university online degree will not suit you at all. You have to
be able to motivate yourself because nobody else is there to do
it for you. Campus degrees, and the various classes that are
incorporate into them, are run by a variety of tutors who are
all employed to watch over students and make sure that there are
enough reminders issued about deadlines and ongoing work. They
are also there to help individual students out during class
time. They effectively spoon feed students the course content.
Whilst this my sound harsh and unfair to anybody that has
attended a campus university, it is true in comparison to the
outside input a lot of online students receive. University
online degree students do not have that and have to be organized
in order to remember all of their deadlines by themselves, as
well as keep on top of ongoing work and find their own research
sources. It is very easy to leave work if nobody issues you
reminders of what you are supposed to be doing.

Accredited <a
e_Education/">online college degrees</a> require sheer hard work
and effort if you want to get something out of them. In effect,
you reap what you sow. If you do not think that you will be able
to effectively organize your own education or if you doubt that
you will possess this sort of motivation or determination, then
a university online degree is not for you. You must see an
accredited online college degree as a challenge in order to
benefit. However, if you believe that you are up to this
challenge then go for it. A university online degree can
certainly prove that you possess the necessary skills to survive
in the workplace and world of business.

Primary keyword - university online degree Secondary keyword -
accredited online college degree

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