July 30, 2007

Online MBA Degree Program

Online MBA by Keith Carter

Almeda University, one of the leaders in online education, is
now offering MBA courses online. Those with the requisite
background and knowledge could attain an MBA in about 6 months.
It is likely to be a boon for anyone unable to opt for full time
courses. The Masters and Doctorate degrees would be available
through the dissertation or thesis options. This would offer the
working professionals, students on assignments and those with
financial constraints a unique opportunity to get the coveted
degree without foregoing their present commitments.

Modern day business demands creativity, independent learning,
intellectual reasoning, and originality. The Ph.D. by
dissertation or MBA by thesis major offered by Almeda looks to
develop future talents for the best-prepared workforce of
tomorrow. The course puts Almeda University students at par with
select graduate studies or special undergraduate honors programs
offered by some of the best names in PG studies internationally.

A graduation is essential to enroll for the course. Those
without a bachelor's degree need to obtain their UG credentials
for the purpose. The thesis for one of Almeda University's
Master's programs should focus on a main hypothesis supported by
theoretical propositions, methodological considerations, and
literature analysis.

Almeda University is a member of NBBTA (National Black Business
Trade Association), NCB (Netcheck Commerce Bureau), AIEA
(Association of International Education Assessors),
ePublicEye.com, USDLA (United States Distance Learning
Association) & USA Chamber of E-Commerce and accredited by IEM
(Interfaith Education Ministries), AOAEX (The Association for
Online Academic Excellence) & CDEA (Council For Distance
Education Accreditation).

You can get more information and post your comments and feedback
at drkeithcarter@yahoo.com


About the author:
Dr. Keith Carter is an retired educational consultant and be
contacted at drkeithcarter@yahoo.com.

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