July 29, 2007

Autoresponders - An Online University

Autoresponders - An Online University by Scott Lindsay

One of the ways I process marketing ideas is to visit as many
sites as possible. By doing this I get to see some of the best
and worst in online marketing.

Recently I discovered a unique way to use autoresponders. The
premise is brilliant in execution, successful in gaining
membership, but somewhat vague in overall information.

The site owner purchased a second web address that spoke to one
facet of their online business. This information was knowledge
based and executed much like a visual teaser to a really good

Applicable questions were asked and bullet points were added to
let visitors know some of the things they could learn from this

Interestingly there was no link on this secondary website to
indicate who the company was or how to contact them. The only
contact information was a sign up form for a free five-part

The site featured an almost university type design leaving the
visitor feeling as if the information would be quality and worth
their time. It was emphasized that the email information would
never be sold or shared with a third party. The added touch was
noting that the course started today.

For most online users there may not be an understanding of how
autoresponders work, so there is a sense of urgency in filling
out the form so they can take advantage of the ecourse before it
was too late although the website will always indicate the start
date as today, which is the beauty of the way autoresponders

This site might not provide significant link or contact
information in the first email, but they will provide quality
content that will allow this opt-in 'university student' to keep
in the loop.

Sooner or later the contact information, and primary website, is
revealed and supplementary products or services are offered to
help the student take full advantage of the information they
have taken in through the Autoresponder University.

Essentially what this site has done is maximized Search Engine
Optimization (SEO) strategies that ultimately allowed the site
owner to lay claim to a highly specialized niche. The high
ranking results in a more motivated knowledge consumer who
already views high-ranking websites as more trustworthy. This
consumer has a better chance at learning greater trust in the
business as applicable knowledge based material is delivered by
autoresponders. By the time these individuals finally gain
access to the priamry site they are not only familiar with the
product or service, they know how to use it and what common
purposes the product or service may assist in.

Autoresponders can be a perfect compliment to your marketing
strategies. What creativity can you express in the use of this

About the author:
Scott Lindsay is a web developer and entrepreneur. He is the
founder of HighPowerSites and many other web projects.

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