July 29, 2007

5 Hints To Select Your Online University

5 Hints To Select Your Online University by Amelia Turner

Online Universities have become a place for many busy working
individual who are lacking of time and tight up with their job
and family responsibilities to continue their education. If you
are among the group who are looking to continue your education
through an online university; here are a few important hints
that you can use in your consideration when selecting your
online university.

1. Accreditation

If you try to read any of online education guides, I believe you
have come across this word "accreditation". Almost all education
guides will ask you to make sure that the online university or
the online degree program that you are going to enroll must be
accredited by any of the agencies that are recognized by the US
Department of Education. In fact, all those guides are right and
it is the most important factor to be considered when you select

Basically, accreditation is a formal review process on school
programs and policies by one of the agencies that are recognized
by the US Department of Education to see if these programs are
meeting certain criteria. When a school is found to meet these
criteria, it is granted accreditation. If your degree is from an
accredited online university, your degree will be accepted by
most of employers. Hence, you eliminate the risk of unrecognized
degree or fake degree issue when apply a job after graduation.

2. Get an Online Degree that Will Look Good In Your Resume

There are so many online universities and colleges available,
sometime you will find it hard to decide which school to choose
for your degree. Well, ask yourself, if you are an employer who
are looking for a candidate for a position in the company, when
you interview the job applicants and review their degree, degree
from which school will make you feel better, a degree from well
known universities like University of Phoenix and Kaplan
University or an unknown university like University of ABC? I
guest if you are the hiring manager, you probably will select
the candidate who is holding a degree from well known
university, right?

A degree from a well-known & prestige online university will
make your resume look good. A candidate from a "good brand"
online university will definitely impress the hiring manager and
it make ease for you. Hence, you can do some analysis and get
some feedback from any of online degree forums about the online
universities short listed to see which one is the best known and
best acceptable before you make up your decision.

3. Lab Works (if any) Near At Your Location

Some degree programs require you to complete a certain hours of
lab works before you can earn the degree. If so and if your busy
working schedule does not allow you to travel far, then, you
need to consider the online university that has local facility
or arrangement with any of local institution for you to carry
out your lab work.

4. Credit Transfer

There are many online universities that allow you to transfer
your credits earned from previous degree to save you some credit
hours and credit cost. You can consider it if you have credits
that may transfer to your new degree program. Always check out
this information from the admission officer before your enroll
into the program.

5. Good Academic Support

You will attend the class online by login into the online
university teaching & learning system. Technology sometime
creates difficulties such as unable to download the learning
material or upload you assignment. Sometime, you may need help
from the school to resolve the problems. Hence, a good support
from online university is very importance to ensure the
smoothness of your learning process.

In Summary

Selecting on online university for your degree sometime is a
hard decision: too many options available, too many degree
programs that seem like meeting your requirement. I hope the
above hints will help to narrow down your scope of your choice
and finally reach the ultimate decision on which online
university to pursue your degree.

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