July 31, 2007

Advantages and Disadvantages of Online Education

Advantages and Disadvantages of Online MBA Education

Getting an online education has become a very popular technique these days. Whether you are looking for a high school diploma or a graduate degree or some specialized certification to supplement your existing knowledge, it is very convenient to obtain these without having to take time off from your schedule to attend a regular educational institution.

There are many advantages associated with online study. Some are given below:

Unlike traditional learning, distance learning can offer you greater flexibility, as you don't have to waste time- and money- commuting to the campus and you can choose a program that truly suits your interests or professional needs, because you are not confined to the classes that are offered locally.

Another advantage to distance learning is the fact that you can continue to work, because you don't have to worry about fitting your classes around your job schedule.
Online programs often cost less than their traditional counterparts, so you can save money on tuition, if you pursue your degree through an online university.
Online study is also a great option for those students with physical handicaps, which may prevent them from traveling to a traditional campus. Likewise, if you are shy, or perhaps even language-challenged, participating in an online course may be the perfect alternative to a live class.

There are some major advantages to online education, including the ability to set your own study time. You may be looking for a promotion or career change that requires additional training or you may simply be ready to learn something new. But with today's busy lifestyle, there's little time to devote to regularly scheduled class time. That's where online education can be a great asset for a motivated person.

Although there are many advantages of an online education, there are also some disadvantages. The fact that you are working on your own could very well be one of the major disadvantages of taking online educational classes.

Another major disadvantage is the lack of interaction. You aren't in a classroom and don't have the opportunity to hear questions and discussion from other students. This isn't always an issue, depending on the subject of the online education course you are taking, but it could be an important factor in deciding whether an online education is the best option when seeking out opportunities for learning new skills or gaining new training.

But above all the disadvantages the online education is gaining more esteem than traditional education.

Source: www.articlebase.com

Choosing An Online Mba Degree

Choosing An Online Mba Degree

The Master of Business Administration MBA is one of the most popular and sought-after degrees available today. As the world moves to an increasingly corporate and service-based economy, companies have an ever-growing need for business savvy and certain sets of technical skills. And an MBA-holder is likely to have those skills and savvy.

School accreditation is the most important factor to consider when deciding on an online MBA program. Proper accreditation could mean the difference between an online MBA degree that gets you a promotion and a degree that isn't worth the paper it's printed on.
There are three types of accreditation agencies that are essential to consider when earning an MBA online: regional accreditation, professional accreditation, and distance learning accreditation.

1.Regional accreditation is your best bet.
2.Personal accreditation will make your online MBA stand out.
3.Distance Learning accreditation may not be accepted everywhere.
4.Any other type of accreditation will not be as important as the three listed above.

You can earn a general MBA degree, or choose a particular specialization depending on your strengths and career goals. Disciplines are available in technology, IT, human resources, administration, marketing, and accounting; all the aspects of a well-oiled business machine. All MBA degrees will ensure you have a comprehensive education in business.

Study Option:
The mode of studying for an MBA is also evolving. The executive MBA allows students to work and study at the same time, arranging a mixture of classes, meetings, online work, and individual tutoring. A marketing MBA may allow you to prove your business credentials without having to go through the process of working in junior level positions. Since this qualification can be used across a broad range of sectors, your employability should be good.

Executive Online MBA:
An Executive MBA is a graduate degree designed for executives, managers and other leaders in business. An executive master of business administration degree may have some similarities to other business programs but is carefully focused for its intended participants.
Executive master of business administration degree programs are designed specifically for people who are currently in business but who wish to further their education. Students can usually complete their executive MBA degree within two years even when working full time. The program of study for an executive master of business administration degree covers the full spectrum of business concepts with emphasis on integrating the areas together. Course topics include accounting, statistics, finance, marketing, and management and information technology.

Marketing Online MBA:
A Marketing MBA is a master's degree program designed to give you the skills you need to successfully manage an organization. A marketing MBA could be right for you, if you wish to gain business skills and need to have a good foundation in the arts of merchandizing and creating a desire for goods or services.
An MBA degree online can create the expertise, experience, and knowledge needed to have a competitive edge in today's job markets. Getting a degree online is now much more convenient with the colleges and universities through expanding Internet options. The Internet is quickly changing the way those advancing their educations are studying, and the Internet is attracting thousands of students who want to return to school to further their experience and knowledge.

There are many different schools that offer MBA degrees online and each school has a different course of studies and requirement for completion. Those seeking degrees should investigate the limitless options that the Internet has brought in advancing educations, careers, and personal growth.

Of course, it is a good idea to investigate all that is available before committing to a specific school program. Potential students will want to make sure that any program that they are researching offers an MBA degree online that is accredited. Also, speak with academic counselors at various schools, getting information about the different requirements and estimated time tables involved. Be sure to look for hidden costs also. Why not start today and investigate getting an MBA degree online.

Source: http://www.articlesbase.com

Who Needs a Whole MBA?

Who Needs a Whole MBA? A specialized master's degree may better fit the bill.

When you consider going back to school to hone your business skills, chances are you're thinking about getting an MBA. But an MBA isn't the only game in graduate business education. With a bit of research, you may find that what you really want may be a specialized master's degree in business.

Specialized master's business programs have been around for decades. But they proliferated in the 1990s, as business schools discovered that a curriculum showcasing their academic specialty allows them to better compete for students. The mainstays of the alternative business programs used to focus on accounting and finance, but now you can pursue a master's degree in international business, health-care administration, marketing, nonprofit management, or human resources. In the late 1990s, the hot new programs were in information technology and e-commerce. At least 60 of 403 B-schools surveyed by BusinessWeek in 2001 offered master's degrees in these new specialties. Even now, schools say, interest in the programs has remained steady.

The master's programs, which range from 10 months to 2 years for full-time students, are best suited to those who already have a business background but want to specialize in a particular field. For instance, students who have an undergrad business degree may see no point in going over similar courses in an MBA program. That was the thinking of Patricia Wycoco, 28, who will graduate in July with a master's in finance from London Business School. Wycoco, who has a bachelor's degree in business economics, was most recently an investment manager for Deutsche Bank in Manila. "I thought that developing a competence in finance was more important than getting a general business education," she says. This summer, Wycoco will join the Manila office of McKinsey's Southeast Asia Practice.

Applications to alternative programs, as with those to MBA programs, have risen in the past 12 months as students seek refuge in academia from the turbulent job market. Often, the specialized programs are slightly less expensive than their MBA counterpart at the same business school. At the University of Minnesota's Carlson School of Management, tuition for out-of-state students in its two-year program in health-care administration is $18,604, vs. $19,199 a year for its two-year MBA program. Most alternative programs are also easier to get into because the applicant pool is smaller. For example, Texas A&M University's Mays College of Business accepted 22% of its full-time MBA applicants in 2001, vs. a 28% acceptance rate at its master's program in management information systems.

A downside is that many of these programs are new, so they don't have a track record with recruiters and employers. "It takes some time for people to figure out what a new degree of this type is all about," says Tridas Mukhopadhyay, director of the three-year-old Master of Science in Electronic Commerce program at Carnegie Mellon's Graduate School of Industrial Administration. And the degrees don't guarantee starting salaries on par with those of MBA grads. A lot depends on the specialty, the student's work experience, and the school's reputation.
Be aware, too, that selection standards vary sharply from one school to the next, particularly when it comes to students' field experience. Enrolling in a program specializing, say, in human resources doesn't ensure that your classmates will all have worked in human resources. The Rotterdam School of Management's Master in HR Leadership program requires applicants to have at least seven years of experience in the field, but students at Ohio State University's Master's in Labor and Human Resources program at Fisher College of Business range from recent college grads to managers with 26 years of experience. It will be up to you to find out the score before applying.

If you find the right program, you'll be able to delve deeper into the specialty than most MBA curriculums do. Students are committed to their chosen fields, so the depth of learning is greater, says Tasha Sims, 25, a second-year student at Ohio State's HR program. Sims, who had worked for three years in benefits and compensation before enrolling in grad school, will join ExxonMobil in August as a recruiting adviser.

Companies are showing signs of appreciating the value of these special degrees. When Peter Stephaich, CEO of Campbell Transportation in Charleroi, Penn., decided to overhaul his company's information system, he commissioned six e-commerce graduate students and two professors from Carnegie Mellon. The team, along with six Campbell executives, will create, among other things, a state-of-the-art tracking system for the company's barges, which ply the Ohio River and its tributaries. The system will use a range of technologies from handheld devices to global positioning systems. "A typical MBA doesn't have the e-commerce skills to build one of these things," says Stephaich, himself a 1989 MBA from New York University.

Ford Motor, meanwhile, currently pays for 19 of its employees to attend Massachusetts Institute of Technology's System Design and Management program, which combines engineering and business courses. The five-year-old program enrolls some 50 students each January, about 80% of whom are company-sponsored. "Because of the complexity of the products being developed these days, there's a real need for people who understand both the technical and the business side of things," says Dennis Mahoney, the director of SDM.

If a specialized business degree might suit you, explore BusinessWeek Online's profiles of B-schools (businessweek.com/bschools). The profiles focus on MBA programs but also list alternative degrees. From there, you can follow links to each school's Web site to determine whether the program offered will help improve your career. Once you select the schools you would like to apply to, you may find that admissions procedures vary slightly from those at MBA programs. For starters, not all programs require the Graduate Management Admissions Test, opting instead for the Graduate Record Examination. For some specialized business courses of study, you'll need a particular undergrad degree such as engineering; for others, you must have company sponsorship.

If it's a toss-up between an MBA and a specialized degree, consider that some B-schools, such as the University of Wisconsin at Madison and Thunderbird, The American Graduate School of International Management, let their master's students switch into an MBA program. So do your homework. With these master's programs, you probably have more options than you think.

Source: www.businessweek.com

An Online MBA Program Grows in Gotham

An Online MBA Program Grows in Gotham - New York City's Pace University is looking to cyberspace to snare a new crop of students. Other regional schools will be watching.

Can offering an MBA online degree save a regional business school from a one way ticket to Palookaville? New York's Pace University is about to find out. On Jan. 8, Pace's Lubin School of Business will introduce its e.MBA@Pace program, which will incorporate 10 campus visits with intensive course instruction over the Web. Many regional universities will be watching its fate closely, as the top-rated business schools start to shovel big money into online MBA programs.

With so many brand-name schools taking the lead in long-distance learning, Pace -- which draws almost all of its students from the metropolitan New York City area -- decided last March that it better start reaching out, too. The school hopes to enroll 25 to 30 students in its first year and will consider expanding in the future. "We have a terrific reputation in the New York area. This will be a way of extending our reach," says James Parker, program director of the online MBA. Adds Pace management professor John Dory: "To not [offer an online MBA], we ran the risk for enrollment problems for the school."

The big B-schools aren't hesitating. Duke University, which launched its Global Executive online MBA in 1996, has been expanding its course offerings to accommodate 400 online students by August of 2001. And if you think Duke wouldn't be a threat to Pace, consider this: Duke says that of its 170 current online students, the second-largest group comes from New York, after Silicon Valley, of course. Following suit is the University of North Carolina, which will begin offering an online MBA program in the fall of 2000. And if that isn't enough to send shivers through Pace's Manhattan and Westchester County campuses, a handful of top-ranked universities are now supporting private educational efforts by companies such as UNext.com, which aimes to eventually offer degree business programs online.

MORE OUTREACH. The Pace MBA program will cost about $50,000 for two years, slightly less than the average of $57,205 for Business Week's 20 leading EMBA programs. Parker is hoping the Pace effort will "attract students that wouldn't have considered or even have heard of [Pace]."

But expanding Pace's reach beyond its base of 1,350 part-time MBA students and 650 full-time MBA students will be no easy task. When its initial round of applications arrived on Dec. 1, the school found itself with an experienced pool of candidates -- not from California, Europe, or Asia -- but from New Jersey, Long Island, Connecticut, and New York City. That's the same pool from which the school now draws most of its students. And it suggests that Pace will have to do more outreach.

Partnering with larger schools to offer online MBAs may be the next step, says Michael Moe, director of global growth research for Merrill Lynch who analyzes distance education markets and innovation. He says in a few years, schools such as Pace will have a hard time creating E-learning programs unless they get help from the big shots. "[Small, regional schools] need something else aside from being early," he says. "It might be cost. Or it might be offering a very tailored program. [But] if you go forward two years from today, they'll need more than being online to be competitive."

TEAM TEACHING. Until that day arrives, Pace is confident that it has a twist to attract execs. When the e.MBA@Pace students are on campus, the six faculty in charge of course instruction will teach each class as a team. That's to ensure that each topic gets input from as many disciplines as possible, whether it be marketing or global economics. And professors will be required to log on daily to answer student questions posed via e-mail.

Dory says the program is also a good opportunity for Pace to restore some luster to its reputation "as a cutting-edge school." If the program can vault the small university into the cyberage, win over more local MBA students who are too busy to take full-time classes, and appeal to long-distance learners, Pace may be onto something.

Source: www.businessweek.com

Canada: Nirvana for MBAs?

Henry Mintzberg is on a rant about business education. "MBAs should be stamped with a skull and crossbones that reads, `Not Prepared to Manage,"' the McGill University business professor declares.

What Mintzberg offers up instead is his unorthodox International Masters Program in Practicing Management (IMPM). Founded in 1996 by McGill and five international B-schools (including France's INSEAD and the Indian Institute of Management-Bangalore), IMPM puts 40 midcareer students from Fujitsu Ltd., Lufthansa, and elsewhere through a 16-month course on leadership. Rather than focusing on technical subjects, it tackles students' "mindsets"--one two-week module is called Managing Self. The path to management nirvana weaves students through meditation, acting, journal writing, and trips to primitive and high-tech businesses. "It teaches you to think first, and then manage," says Taizoon Chinwalla, 46, former participant and a director at Motorola Inc.

Canada is an odd place for insights into the training of the capitalist elite, considering its statist bent, complete with high taxes and national health care. But Canadian educators have been wrestling with new ideas in management since some provinces stopped funding graduate degree programs in 1995. Making ends meet meant steep tuition hikes and struggles to retain faculty tempted by high salaries abroad. So they opened their doors to a wider pool of applicants, admitting more foreigners than ever. More important, they jettisoned the old approach of specializing in such fields as corporate finance or brand management and replaced it with a new emphasis on producing big-picture leaders. "Canadians are less formulaic about education," says Gerald Ross, dean at McGill Faculty of Management. "We don't imitate what others do."

Back in 1995, the need to raise funds quickly was an effective spur to innovation. For Queen's School of Business, that meant leaving the herd. It refocused its full-time MBA program on students who specialize in science and technology. That let Queens offer more sophisticated classes and led grads to lucrative jobs. McGill offers an IMPM program in niche markets. It's already training execs in nonprofits and plans to target health professionals next. Who knows, Ross suggests, maybe priests, rabbis, and teachers could follow?

MBA TO GO. The programs are hitting the road, too. Queens invested $10 million in its Videoconferencing Executive MBA program and is now Canada's most subscribed, enrolling about 370. Unlike traditional programs, which use less technology, Queens' is a digital affair: Only three weeks of the 20-month program are in person with professors. That has caught the alliance-hungry eye of Cornell University's B-school, which could spread the high-tech program to the U.S.

Aiming at underserved markets abroad, the schools have planted roots in Asia. McGill runs an MBA in Japan for 50 students and expects to offer another in China. University of Western Ontario's Ivey School of Business set up a campus suited with videoconferencing technology and harbor views in the Hong Kong Convention & Exhibition Center in 1998, making it among the first North American schools to open in Asia. Since then, it has followed the legendary Harvard case-study approach, producing 203 business cases on Asian companies. It has also sold 100,000 translated casebooks in China since 1997, sweetening the Ivey brand on the mainland.

The foreign programs pay off. Last year, Ivey generated $975,000 in revenues from the Hong Kong programs, with customers such as Reebok International Ltd. and Mattel Inc., both with big Asian manufacturing operations. The money helps, since Canada's B-schools are all financially squeezed. Queens has an endowment of just $17 million, for instance, vs., say, University of Michigan Business School's $268 million. But if their innovations catch on, Canada's B-schools could start raking it in.

Source: www.businessweek.com

Overview of a Canadian MBA degree, what you study and careers available when you get one.

Overview of a Canadian Online MBA degree, what you study and careers available when you get one.

A Master of Business Administration (MBA) is a professional graduate degree which instructs students in the theoretical and practical knowledge, skills, and abilities to successfully control, lead, manage, plan, organize, and adapt to ever-changing, complex, specific and/or general, domestic and global business environments, organizations, relationships, and situations. Moreover, MBA programs normally extend beyond only teaching business fundamentals and disciplines and into developing what some refer to as "soft" skills. That is, an MBA education develops students' respective analytical, communication, leadership, broadly defined, interpersonal, networking, and teamwork skills, as well as the abilities to anticipate and adapt to change, make effective use of various technologies, and operate within a globalized economic structure. MBA programs in Canada vary in duration from 10 months to over 2 years but because their respective structures and curriculums vary widely a universally applicable description of what precisely a student will learn is impossible. However, MBA programs fall within three categories including the generalized, specialized, and combined.

A generalized, sometimes referred to as a generic, general management, or traditional, MBA program exposes a student to the management knowledge, skills, and abilities needed to successfully operate within and among a variety of different areas of business. Generalized degrees are typically 2 years in length. The first year is devoted to the study of a basic core of business fundamentals that usually includes Business Strategy Analysis, Financial and Managerial Accounting, Management Statistics and Data Analysis, Managerial Economics, Marketing Management, Managerial Finance, Managing Organizations, and Operations Management. The second year either delves deeper into general management or an area of concentration as chosen by the student among the options offered by his/her program.

Specialized MBA degrees are often 1 year or less in duration and offer an individual the opportunity to hone his/her knowledge of and abilities in a specific area or aspect of business thus developing the skills that are required by and for a particular field, industry, or sector. Some schools, such as Simon Fraser University, also offer customized MBA programs developed in accordance with the needs of specific companies. The latter type of specialized programs, sometimes referred to as "Corporate MBAs," however, is usually only available to employees of the company for which the MBA is tailor-made.

Combined MBA programs, which are often up to 4 years long, enable students to simultaneously earn a degree in Business and another discipline, including Agriculture, Arts, Engineering, Law, and Medicine, among others. The MBA portion of a combined degree may be either generalized or specialized depending upon the program's structure. There is no definitive answer regarding which type of MBA degree is more beneficial to individuals in achieving their respective goals. Some employers, for instance, favour individuals who can manage in a variety of different areas and, in such cases, prefer someone with a general management degree. Therefore, before committing to a program, you may want to inquire as to which type of degree the potential employers within the industry or sector in which you aim to work after graduation prefer. Possessing an MBA, however, has the potential to open up many new career opportunities within the private, public, and not-for-profit sectors. An MBA, especially a generalized one, has the capacity to be a versatile degree enabling an individual to enter into new and diverse fields or move between different areas within a specific company and/or field. For example, an individual may switch employment from data analyst to marketing consultant to business strategist. Furthermore, despite being traditionally seen as a degree to advance one's aspirations within business, an MBA can open up career opportunities in numerous other areas. MBA graduates may, for instance, become educators in post-secondary institutions where a doctorate degree is not necessary, media analysts, researchers, or pursue doctorate-level studies, among others.

The exact form, content, and opportunity a program affords a learner differ from program to program and school to school. Some programs, for instance, like those offered at the Universities of McMaster and Windsor, afford comprehensive cooperative learning and are targeted at individuals with minimal work experience while Queen's University focuses on a specialized MBA designed for individuals interested in science and technology. Thus, depending on what an individual wants in and from a program, he/she may be limited in his/her choices of schools and locations in which to study.

In sum, an MBA is a professional degree designed to equip students with the specific and/or general knowledge, skills, and abilities necessary to advance one's career aspirations in business and beyond. Typically, to be considered for admission to an MBA program in Canada, an applicant should possess a 4-year undergraduate degree, a Graduate Management Admission Test (GMAT) score, work experience, and, for international applicants whose primary language of education is not English, a Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) score. Each individual school establishes the specifics of the aforementioned admissions criteria, as well as any other prerequisites.

Online MBA Energy Elective at Athabasca University

MBA Online Degree with Energy Electives at Athabasca University's Centre for Innovative Management

A new way to power your career in the energy industry. Athabasca University's Centre for Innovative Management and the University of Alberta's School of Business have embarked on a unique collaboration that brings you the strengths of both institutions.

AU's renowned online Executive MBA degree helps you develop the solid management skills you need to succeed in any industry. Guided by academic faculty who are experts in their fields, you connect coursework from the MBA online degree curriculum to your own organization. Because you immediately apply theory to your workplace, you practice what you learn as you learn it, leading to very high absorption and retention of knowledge.

The MBA with Energy Electives allows you to take advantage of the University of Alberta School of Business's unparalleled academic expertise in the energy field with three electives that explore current industry issues and opportunities.

Program Objectives

The AU online MBA with Energy Electives will help you:
  • develop a strategic organizational perspective
  • foster critical thinking and effective decision making abilities
  • enhance your change management skills
  • explore new directions in management thinking and practice
  • build leadership and related personal skills
  • understand the complexities of the energy industry, including challenges and opportunities in Alberta and around the world

AU MBA Alumni Testimonials

Athabasca University offered a program that was right for me, because it had both the credibility I desired and the flexibility that I needed. I live in Texas, but my work in the area of energy software consulting required me to travel a significant percentage of the time. My laptop, an Internet connection, and a few textbooks per course were usually all I required to stay on track with my MBA studies while I was traveling. Given the demands of my career, I believe I would have been hard pressed to have finished my MBA any other way.

Mark Warne, MBA '04, Houston, Texas

Customer Service

Our knowledgeable customer service representatives are available from 8:30 am to 4:30 pm Monday to Friday (Mountain Time). Call 1-800-561-4650 or 780-459-1144 to:

ask any questions you may have about any online MBA program, admission requirements, application procedure, etc.

  • be put in touch with a student or alumnus in a field similar to yours
  • have an AU online MBA brochure and/or application form sent to you by mail.

MBA in Project Management (MBA PM) at Athabasca University, Canada

Athabasca University, Canada - Online Degree MBA in Project Management (MBA PM)

Master the complexities of project management in a world where targets and objectives often shift . . . Today's project manager must be able to integrate business and project goals, lead organizational change, and deliver strategic results aimed at creating competitive advantage. That's why the global demand for experts in project management is growing at a dramatic rate.

Athabasca University AU's online MBA in Project Management is designed for experienced project managers who already have certificate level training and/or professional certification, and want to move beyond 'tools and techniques' to senior-level, strategic project management.

Cutting edge curriculum, developed and delivered by leading specialists in the field of project management, ensures that you will study relevant issues and develop critical insights into successfully managing complex projects from inception to completion.

If you want to contribute to your organization at a higher strategic level by mobilizing team resources, managing expectations, and evaluating risks, apply today. You'll increase your personal and organizational effectiveness . . . and deliver key business results.

All without having to put your career, or your life, on hold.

Program Objectives

The AU online MBA in Project Management will enable you to:
  • understand and communicate the strategic value of project
    management to your organization
  • develop your critical thinking and decision-making skills to
    deliver key business results
  • enhance your planning skills to clearly identify client expectations
    and deliverables, and mitigate risks
  • increase your effectiveness as a project leader and promote a
    positive team environment
  • understand how to integrate the human and business needs of projects
  • learn how to manage sudden change and exploit opportunities as they arise

Alumni Testimonials

As the leader of a large organization, my need to stay current on complex projects drove my decision to pursue my MBA in Project Management. The Athabasca University program provided me the ability to collaborate with instructors and students who had a combination of academic expertise and practical experience. The skills I learned are already providing a positive return to my organization.

Tom Barlow, MBA PM '04
President, Coca-Cola Bottling Co., Toronto, Ontario

Customer Service

Our knowledgeable customer service representatives are available from 8:30 am to 4:30 pm Monday to Friday (Mountain Time). Call 1-800-561-4650 or 780-459-1144 to:

  • ask any questions you may have about any online MBA program, admission requirements, application procedure, etc.
  • be put in touch with a student or alumnus in a field similar to yours
  • have an AU online MBA brochure and/or application form sent to you by mail.

AU Accreditation and Rankings

AU Accreditation and Rankings - Accreditation in Canada

Athabasca University (AU) is a publicly funded institution of the Province of Alberta that reports to the government through the Minister of Advanced Education. Through Alberta’s Post-secondary Learning Act, the government authorizes Athabasca University's Governing Council to grant degrees and govern its own affairs. Members of Athabasca University Governing Council are appointed under orders in council of the Lieutenant Governor of Alberta.

Authority to grant MBA degrees
The Athabasca University Master of Business Administration (MBA) programs are approved by the Universities Coordinating Council (UCC). The UCC is a body of all public universities in Alberta whose evaluation and approval is required before a university is granted provincial government permission to offer an MBA program.

Accreditation in the United States
Athabasca University (AU) is accredited by the Middle States Commission on Higher Education (MSCHE), an agency recognized by the Council for Higher Education Accreditation in the United States. AU became the first Canadian university to be awarded accreditation by any of the six higher education regional boards in the U.S in July of 2005. View press release and background information »

Athabasca University has been ranked among the top three Executive MBAs in Canada (Canadian Business, 2001) and among the top Executive MBAs in the world (Financial Times, UK, 2003, 2004 and 2006).

AU Memberships

Association of Commonwealth Universities (ACU)
Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada (AUCC)
Canadian Association for Distance Education (CADE)
Canadian Association for Graduate Studies (CAGS)
Canadian Virtual University (CVU)
International Council for Open and Distance Education (ICDE)
Western Governors University (WGU)

Athabasca University Online Education

Message from the Executive Director - Lindsay Redpath, PhD

Welcome to Athabasca University's Centre for Innovative Management
As Executive Director of Athabasca University's Centre for Innovative Management (CIM), distance education online, it is my pleasure to welcome you to our Web site, and to encourage you to explore all areas of this e-campus. Whether you are a prospective student, an alumnus, a corporate partner or student, this site gives you a broad view of our exciting business school.

In 2004, the Centre for Innovative Management, distance education online, celebrated its tenth anniversary, a milestone for CIM and for Canada's largest, and the world's first, online Executive MBA program. From its launch until today, the AU MBA online degree has grown from 130 to over 1,000 students, while increasing in stature and reputation to take a place among the world's premiere Executive MBA programs.

Our faculty and staff are driven by a passion for quality learning, scholarship and service—factors that have shaped our school and contributed to our ranking within the top Executive MBA online programs in Canada (Canadian Business magazine) and the top Executive MBAs in the world (Financial Times, UK).

Selecting an Executive MBA program is a huge decision that can dramatically affect future career success. We are proud that today more Canadian managers and professionals choose Athabasca's business school than any other, and that our advanced online learning environment is helping to transform management thinking and practice in Canada and around the world. Our graduates, who now number nearly 2000, have proven time and time again that pursuing an Athabasca MBA is an excellent career decision.

I encourage you to discover the world of flexible, applicable, rigorous, and quality business education that the AU MBA provides. We look forward to learning more about your aspirations and showing you how our AU MBA can help you succeed.

Dr. Lindsay Redpath
Executive Director

July 30, 2007

Online MBA Degree Program

Online MBA by Keith Carter

Almeda University, one of the leaders in online education, is
now offering MBA courses online. Those with the requisite
background and knowledge could attain an MBA in about 6 months.
It is likely to be a boon for anyone unable to opt for full time
courses. The Masters and Doctorate degrees would be available
through the dissertation or thesis options. This would offer the
working professionals, students on assignments and those with
financial constraints a unique opportunity to get the coveted
degree without foregoing their present commitments.

Modern day business demands creativity, independent learning,
intellectual reasoning, and originality. The Ph.D. by
dissertation or MBA by thesis major offered by Almeda looks to
develop future talents for the best-prepared workforce of
tomorrow. The course puts Almeda University students at par with
select graduate studies or special undergraduate honors programs
offered by some of the best names in PG studies internationally.

A graduation is essential to enroll for the course. Those
without a bachelor's degree need to obtain their UG credentials
for the purpose. The thesis for one of Almeda University's
Master's programs should focus on a main hypothesis supported by
theoretical propositions, methodological considerations, and
literature analysis.

Almeda University is a member of NBBTA (National Black Business
Trade Association), NCB (Netcheck Commerce Bureau), AIEA
(Association of International Education Assessors),
ePublicEye.com, USDLA (United States Distance Learning
Association) & USA Chamber of E-Commerce and accredited by IEM
(Interfaith Education Ministries), AOAEX (The Association for
Online Academic Excellence) & CDEA (Council For Distance
Education Accreditation).

You can get more information and post your comments and feedback
at drkeithcarter@yahoo.com


About the author:
Dr. Keith Carter is an retired educational consultant and be
contacted at drkeithcarter@yahoo.com.

MBA Online Education Gains Popularity

MBA Online Education Program Gains Popularity by Joe Bella

The advent of online degree MBAs has made access to quality higher
education a great deal easier. A great many people are unable to
attend classes and need a flexible learning option that allows
them to fit study around work and other commitments.

A major consideration with regards to choosing an appropriate
online MBA course is that of accreditation. There are many
suspect MBAs vying for your business. The obvious ones to avoid
are those offered by diploma mills. These are usually offered by
distance but may appear on searches for online courses and will
often give ridiculous credit for life experience and sometimes
(but not often) require one written paper in order for you to be
awarded an MBA.

For a worthless piece of paper, the prices are high: anywhere
from a few hundred dollars to over a thousand dollars. These
qualifications can be potential future embarrassments so you
need to do your research as they often have names very close to
legitimate universities.

There are unaccredited universities that offer high quality and
recognized courses but for the most part unaccredited
universities should be avoided. The best valued online MBA
degrees are accredited degrees. Forty eight percent of American
universities offer online degrees so finding an online course
from a desirable university is easier than it ever has been.
University is easier than it ever has been. While there are a
number of universities who have become online degree specialists
such as Phoenix University, other universities with superior
reputations are also offering online programs.

Many online MBAs require residential schools. This can be
difficult for some people so it needs to be factored in to your
decision. You can sift through online MBA courses and find one
that meets your needs and does not have residency requirements
or you can look at the course offerings of local universities
and see if they offer online MBA programs. At least if they are
local, you do not have to deal with travel time and costs and
you can probably get away with staying off campus. Furthermore,
if you have any problems you will be able to make an appointment
to talk to someone face to face.

The costs of online MBAs can be prohibitive. However, there are
in fact a wide range of prices for MBA programs and you will
have to do your research to find the best value MBA for your

If you have had a solid background in business management, there
are online MBAs that will take that into account and save you
months of study. Some online MBAs will only take you twelve
months if you have relevant prior learning and experience.

Most MBAs share common subjects including Financial Management,
Marketing, Communication, Business Psychology, Economics and
Commercial Law. Many MBAs also offer modules in
Entrepreneurship, e-Business, Import/Export and skills for
dealing with different governments. There are many more related
possibilities. Universities are competing for your education
dollar, so don't assume that a course you looked at two years
ago is the same.

The average price for an online MBA from an American university
is $90,000 with many premium MBA programs offered through
quality branded universities at around $120,000. However, you
shouldn't let these figures scare you. Some people have been
able to obtain MBAs for as little as $20,000 particularly where
they possessed substantial experience and/or prior learning that
could be taken into account.

Phoenix University, Regis University and Kaplan University are
very experienced in providing high quality online MBA degrees.
Other universities who are gaining good reputations for their
online courses are Duke University, University of Michigan and
the University of Maryland. In fact, there are a great many of
excellent universities offering online MBAs and it will take you
some time to research their offerings.

It may well be worth your while to consider the high quality
educational offerings available outside the United States. In
particular, Australian Universities offer high quality,
accredited degree programs at comparatively affordable prices.
You can also take advantage of the exchange rate which at the
time of writing provides you with an additional seventeen
percent advantage. Compared to the cost of studying at American
Universities, Australian education prices are significantly
lower. These degrees are well accepted in the United States.

Finding the right online MBA to suit your needs will take a
little time and effort. However, your effort will be well
rewarded when you find a course that is the best value for money
for your educational and career needs.

Online MBA Degrees And Programs

Distance Education Online MBA Degrees And Programs by Jennifer Petersen

If you are considering getting an online MBA degree you ay
wonder if they hold the same value as an MBA that is earned at a
traditional university. Online MBA degrees do cost a lot of
money, to the tune of thousands of dollars, and this is a large
sum of money to pay. You want to be sure that you use this money
wisely and that you find a program that is accredited and that
will be widely accepted. It is important to find the right
program that will offer all you need and also holds a good

Lately many people have decided to go back to school, and most
of them are earning their degrees online. Since so many people
are turning to online schools to earn their MBA's, an employer
cannot just turn up his nose at a degree earned online any more.
With so many people getting these degrees online people do have
to admit that some of them are credible, but it is important to
note that not every MBA degree program is credible and some are
not near equal to a traditional education for MBA degrees.

You should be aware, as your employer is, that some online
programs may offer MBA degrees that are entirely worthless.
There are places that will hand out a degree to almost anyone
who will give them a tidy sum of money. You need to be sure that
you do not fall for these scams and that you find a reputable
place to earn your MBA degree from. You should look for a place
that is accredited and be sure of what you are getting into
before you sign up or pay out any money.

If you are going to get a quality MBA degree online you can
expect it to be very much like traditional classes for the same
degree. Even though you can do your schooling at times that are
convenient for you, you should still be ready to expect to do a
lot of reading, to listen to lectures, and to have discussions
with other classmates. You can accomplish all of this online
using email, video conference, and other great forms of
technology. Most MBA degree programs require residencies, so you
should be prepared to do these even if you are doing your degree

Getting an MBA Degree online is much more convenient, even
though you will still have to work hard. You will be able to fit
your classes around your schedule, which is a huge bonus. Often
you may be able to finish an online degree faster than you ever
could have completed a traditional one. Although they are
convenient, you will still be investing a lot of money into this
degree. Sometimes they will be just as expensive as attending a
university would be. If you decide to take classes online to
earn your MBA Degree be sure to check the prices of various
places to find the best deal for you.

About the author:
Jennifer Petersen is a staff writer at <a
href="http://www.education-digest.com">Education Digest</a> and
is an occasional contributor to several other websites,
including <a href="http://www.careers-digest.com">Career's

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How to choose the top available online MBA program

How to choose the top available distance education online MBA program by Anupam Agnihotri

With thousands of online courses, it is very difficult to choose
the best Masters of Business Management course that fulfills all
your needs and requirements. A good online program provides a
balanced schedule and flexible learning environment. It also
helps working people or students who wish to raise their career
and could hold on to a part time or full time job. Another
feature of a good online course is that there is no scope for
discrimination of students based on age, personality, social
background and so on. Before finalizing, an online MBA program
you should ask yourself that the course you are applying for is
worth to meet your requirements. Will this course be able to
fulfill your future goals? If you consider your goals and
requirements before selecting any institute, you will surely be
able to get the best deal. Best business schools offer dynamic
and highly focused online degree options that can help you
advance your career. They provide a broad range of
online-accredited degree programs that you could select the best
according to your professional requirements. Online MBA program
come in a wide variety of formats for working professionals that
allows you to earn your MBA degree according to your
preferences. Regis University online MBA degree program is an
accredited course. This program is prepared to fulfill the needs
of students, who are already working and want to enhance their
job rank and opportunities as well. They cater the similar
curriculum or subject matter to online students, which they use
for campus courses or regular students. You can avail this
online MBA program from any part of the world and there is no
time bars for students. There are many other accredited online
programs offered by top MBA institutes of the world. The
University of phoenix-online, University of Maryland, Capella
University School of Business - Online, City University -
Online, Colorado State University College of Business - Online,
Davenport University Online - Donald W. Maine School of Business
- Online, Golden Gate University Cyber Campus - Online, are some
of the online universities that offer an online Masters of
Business Management degree program. Apart from these institutes,
many business and management schools also offer online MBA
courses. What you have to do is just go online and explore a
suitable program that meets maximum of your requirements.
Finalize your online MBA course after complete information and
knowledge of the subject matter that they will offer you during
your program.

Top Ten Online MBA Programs

Top Ten Online Distance Education MBA Programs by Denisse Romero

Do you want to pursue an MBA but can't find the time? Maybe you
don't feel like being out of a job for 2 years is worth the
investment? Maybe all the online MBA programs you know seem too
generic? Do you feel that you want a quality MBA without
sacrificing your job, your family, or your earnings? This is a
quick summary of the top ten online MBA programs based on
rankings/reputation, structure, networking opportunities, gained
skills, and tuition investment.

1. Instituto de Empresa (IE)

Location: Madrid, Spain Program: Global MBA Ranking*: #11 by
Financial Times, # 12 by The Wall Street Journal, # 6 by Forbes.
Description: IE offers an 18 months Global MBA program for
English and Spanish speakers. The program allows students to
connect to the virtual classroom from anywhere in the world. In
addition to virtual lectures and videoconferences, students are
required to participate in "blended sessions" in different
cities including Madrid, London, New York, Santiago, Shanghai,
and other cities. Networking Opportunities: Students from 48
countries with background and expertise in a diverse variety of
fields including financial markets, banking, marketing, and
technology. Gained Skills: Strategy, Finance, Marketing,
Operations, Information Systems, Intercultural Skills. Tuition
Investment: € 33,000 (approx. $ 43,000 USD) Website:

2. Thunderbird School of Global Management

Location: Arizona, USA Program: Global MBA Ranking: #1 in
International Programs by U.S. News & World Report, # 1 in
International Business by Financial Times, # 1 in International
Business by The Wall Street Journal. Description: Thunderbird
offers a global MBA program where students participate through
virtual classrooms and on-site seminars in the USA, China and
Europe. Networking Opportunities: Students have lived and
worked in over 16 different countries with backgrounds in a wide
variety of companies ranging from Coca Cola to Boeing to the
U.S. Department of Defense. Gained Skills: Cross-Cultural
Communications, Global Political Economy, Global Finance, Global
Operations, Global Marketing, Global Negotiations, Global
Leadership, Global Strategy. Tuition Investment: $ 57,000 USD
(includes on-site costs for international study trips except
airfare) Website:

3. Duke University

Location: North Carolina, USA Program: Cross-Continental MBA
Ranking: #11 by U.S. News & World Report, # 23 by Financial
Times, # 11 by BusinessWeek. Description: The program lasts 20
months blending Internet-enabled distance learning with 9
one-week residential sessions that take place in North Carolina,
Europe and Asia. Networking Opportunities: Students from 23
countries average 3 to 9 years of experience and are currently
employed full-time in a variety of industries. Gained Skills:
Finance, Accounting, Decision Models, Cross-Cultural
Communications, Marketing, Strategy, Global Financial
Management, Global Economics. Tuition Investment: $ 93,450 USD
Website: http://www.fuqua.duke.edu/mba/executive/cc/

4. Manchester Business School

Location: Manchester, UK Program: Distance Learning MBA Ranking:
#22 by Financial Times, # 15 by MBA Career Guide Survey .
Description: This flexible 2 year program combines self-study
with face-to-face workshops in one of six destinations worldwide
- UK, Singapore, Hong Kong, Dubai, Malaysia and Jamaica.
Networking Opportunities: Students are located in over 90
countries worldwide and possess years of work experience in
industries such as construction, engineering, and finance.
Gained Skills: Accounting, Finance, Marketing, Organizational
Behavior, Managerial Economics, Quantitative Methods, Corporate
Strategy. Tuition Investment: £14,400 (approximately $ 28,383
USD) Website: http://www.mbs-worldwide.ac.uk/

5. Indiana University

Location: Indianapolis, Indiana - USA Program: Master of
Business Administration (Kelley Direct) Ranking: #23 by U.S.
News & World Report, # 65 by Financial Times, # 18 by
BusinessWeek. Description: This two-year program focuses on
general administration, but can be tailored to meet the needs of
individual students. The program is offered almost exclusively
over the Web with two in-residence courses that last one week in
Indiana. Networking Opportunities: Students in the program come
from almost every state in the USA as well as over 20 countries
from around the world. Almost all students have several years of
corporate or military experience. Gained Skills: Accounting,
Finance, Economics, Quantitative Analysis, Project Management,
Strategic Marketing, Human Resources, Global Business, Business
Law, Strategic Capabilities. Tuition Investment: $ 42,000 USD
Website: http://kd.iu.edu

6. Pennsylvania State University

Location: University Park, Pennsylvania - USA Program: Penn
State's Online MBA Ranking: #38 by U.S. News & World Report, #
43 by Financial Times, U.S. Second Tier Programs by
BusinessWeek. Description: This 2-year program combines online
courses with 2 residency experiences - the first one at a U.S.
company (anywhere in the USA) and the second one at Penn State's
University Park campus. Networking Opportunities: Penn State
iMBA students represent employers from 37 states and 5
countries. Gained Skills: Finance, Accounting, Organizational
Behavior and Change, Data Analysis, Decision Making, Marketing,
Corporate Strategies, Global Operations, Global Management.
Tuition Investment: $ 49,000 USD Website:

7. University of Florida

Location: Gainesville, Florida - USA Program: Internet MBA
Ranking: #41 by U.S. News & World Report, # 13 by The Wall
Street Journal. Description: The Internet MBA program at the
University of Florida provides students with two options: The
Two Year MBA and the One Year MBA option. The Two Year MBA
program starts in February, offers a 27-month curriculum and
requires 8 weekend campus visits at the end of each term. The
One Year MBA option is provided for students with a business
degree and 2 to 7 years of work experience. It starts in
January, offers a 16-month curriculum and requires 5 weekend
campus visits at the end of each term. Networking Opportunities:
Students in these programs average 6 years of work experience in
a variety of industries such as telecommunications, banking, and
international trade. Gained Skills: Personal Finance, Corporate
Finance, Accounting, Marketing Management, Professional Writing,
Operations Management, Entrepreneurship, E-Commerce, Brand
Equity, Business Policy, Business Law. Tuition Investment:
$34,000 USD - One Year MBA option; $39,000 USD - Two Year MBA
option. Website:

8. Babson College

Location: Boston, Massachusetts - USA Program: Fast Track MBA
Ranking: #1 in Entrepreneurship by U.S. News & World Report, # 1
in Entrepreneurship by Financial Times, #49 Overall MBA by U.S.
News & World Report, # 89 Overall MBA by Financial Times.
Description: This 24-month program combines face-to-face
learning, web-based learning, and field-based projects.
Face-to-face instruction is based on two day sessions that are
held at Babson or in Portland, Oregon approximately every six
weeks - all day on Fridays and Saturdays. Networking
Opportunities: Students in this program average 10 years of work
experience and come from almost every state in the US and
approximately 10 countries. Gained Skills: Entrepreneurship,
Innovation, Creativity, Human Behavior, Marketing, Accounting,
Finance, Ethics and Law. Tuition Investment: $48,500 USD.
Website: http://www3.babson.edu/MBA/programs/fasttrack/

9. University of Massachusetts - Amherst

Location: Amherst, Massachusetts - USA Program: Online MBA
Ranking: #56 by U.S. News & World Report, #2 (Best Overall
Academic Experience) by Princeton Review . Description: The
entire 12-course program can be completed online and it usually
lasts 2 years. Networking Opportunities: Students in the program
are from the 50 US States and 15 countries and have experience
in a variety of industries. Gained Skills: Accounting, Finance,
Marketing, Human Resources, Organizational Behavior, Business
Data Analysis, Independent Research. Tuition Investment: $24,790
USD. Website:

10. The George Washington University

Location: Washington, DC - USA Program: Healthcare MBA Ranking:
#70 by U.S. News & World Report, #67 by Financial Times .
Description: The GWU Healthcare MBA is a new program created for
professionals interested or involved in the healthcare industry.
The core curriculum of the program consists of 12 courses and
two interdisciplinary projects for a total of 48 credits and can
be completed in 24 months. Networking Opportunities: Groups
consist of 15-20 professionals with experience in the healthcare
field. Gained Skills: World Economy, Public Policy and Strategic
Management, Finance, Accounting, Healthcare Policy Analysis,
Human Resource Dynamics, Statistics, Marketing, Operations
Management, Personal Financial Advising. Tuition Investment:
$47,472 USD Website: http://www.mbahc.info/

*Rankings are based on regular MBA rankings.

About the author:
Denisse Romero is the founder of http://www.macquil.com, a study
abroad and travel portal with scholarships, international
universitites, rankings, hostels, and visas directories,
articles and free advice for students from all over the world.

Why should you opt for an accredited online MBA program?

Why should you opt for an accredited education distance online MBA program? by Dharam

United States Educational Department has laid down some
standardizes norms that every accredited educational institute
has to fulfill to provide good and quality education to each
student. Accreditation is a standardize process that conforms
whether educational institute are able to meet the needs of
modern educational techniques. The whole career of a student
rests on the quality of education provided by various
educational institutes, so a good quality education is required
for student for better future prospects To make sure that all
the accredited educational institutes are working properly and
doing their work with responsibility, United States Educational
Department has formed a Council for Higher Education
Accreditation. This council ensure whether the educational
institutes are maintaining the standard of education and
providing student capable faculty that can meet the needs of
student. The important accreditation agencies of United States
are Southern Association of Colleges and Schools, Western
Association of Schools and Colleges, North Central Association
of Colleges and Schools, Northwest Association of Accredited
Schools, Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools, and
New England Association of Schools and Colleges. Manage of
business administration (MBA) is becoming the most sought after
degree program all over the world. As the number of MBA
aspirants is growing day by day, more number of Universities has
started online MBA degree programs. With this rapid growth of
MBA institutes, it becomes important that you should choose an
accredited institute for your MBA degree. Major companies
welcome MBA degree holders who have compiled their degrees from
an accredited institute. The standard of education in any
accredited university or college is very high. This is the major
reason that big companies require MBA degree holder from an
accredited university. Many universities of business schools
have started an Online MBA. Online management are doing wonder
for working professional as it helps them to reach higher
position in their existing job and also pave ways for other
professional jobs. With so many MBA institutes all over the
places, the role of accreditation council becomes very
important. The quality of education provided by accredited
institute completely rests on the council. If you want to move
one institute to another, make sure that the council accredits
the college or institute. If your previous college is not
accredited you will have to repeat all the courses in an
accredited institute. Students applying for educational loans
should consider that loans are sanctioned only if they are
applying for an accredited institute. Accreditation institute
conforms that you get a quality education which help to further
your job prospects and create new opportunities all the times.
Online MBA programs are compiled to suit the working
professionals, so they could spare time for studies as well.
Online MBA accredited institutes caters or offers such a study
material, which helps working professionals to make a balance
between studies and work, so they could make optimum use of
their professional qualification. Therefore, confirm that the
Council of education accredits your educational institute.

Finding the Right Distance Education MBA Online Degree

Finding the Right Distance Education MBA Online Degree by Sandra Callahan

Nowadays people of all ages are getting their degrees online -
from an undergraduate degree to a Master of Business
Administration. But just as in the bricks-and-mortar world,
there's no one-size-fits-all MBA online program. So before you
start classes, it's a good idea to do a little shopping around
before you commit to pursuing your MBA degree online.

Who's Getting MBA Degrees Online and Why?

MBA degrees online are very popular with adults who have had a
career for years and are perhaps either looking for an
occupation change or would like to further their current career.
Professionals who want to get a master's degree without taking
too much time away from their career or home life are also
taking advantage of MBA online programs.

Other than the extreme flexibility and convenience of MBA online
degree programs, there are virtually no differences between
online courses and a traditional MBA program. Two degree
programs, one offline and one online, will have similar
curricula along with equal amounts of study time and overall
difficulty. Thus, students can be reassured that they have the
opportunity to learn as much from pursing a Master of Business
Administration degree online as they would a traditional degree
program, that is of course, as long as they find the right
school program.

Becoming a Master of Business Administration

When researching MBA online programs, it's important to look for
curricula that teaches leadership and strategy in terms of
managing people, finance, technology and other important aspects
of today's ever-changing business culture. Employers today are
seeking individuals who embrace and continuously build upon
changing environments as well as those who are comfortable using
technology to solve problems. So, when researching <a
target="_blank">MBA online</a> degrees, be sure to find a school
that will:

* Cover the different aspects of the business cycle * Help you
identify and overcome challenges in business leadership * Teach
you the technological skills needed to succeed in today's
demanding business world * Challenge you with a good variety of
lectures, readings, assignments and projects that assess
real-world situations.

Having these skills and knowledge can make you stand out from
the rest - and could even mean a step up at your current job.

As you search for the best school to earn your Masters of
Business Administration, be sure to do your homework. Find a
school that is accredited by the appropriate agencies and has a
good reputation that will be respected by future employers and
colleagues. Additionally, beware unaccredited programs that
simply hand out worthless diplomas.

With the right information, the best online program and a whole
lot of ambition, earning your MBA online could be easier than
you thought! So get out there and begin your education - because
after all, it's never too late to learn something new and earn
the degree you've always wanted.

About the author:
Sandra Callahan is an educational consultant specializing in
technology-based education. In addition, Callahan counsels
students pursuing various technology-related degrees and writes
online articles.

Learning About Online Mba Rankings

Learning About Online Distance Education Mba Rankings by Gerri Stone

The MBA stands for masters' in business administration and is a
post graduate degree in business administration. The ranking
system comes into play because the MBA is one of the country's
highest rated and most popular graduate masters' degree
programs. Online MBA rankings refer to the schools that offer
the program and, in fact, factor in to establish a ranking
system that helps prospective students find the best MBA
possibilities in the country. The online MBA rankings hold to a
set of criteria that refer to where the school or program is
positioned in the overall ranking system.

As more universities start to offer the degree, the differences
in the quality of the programs and of faculty at the schools are
important in terms of how the graduates are prepared for the
real world of business. In addition, the differences in the
courses offered needs to be evaluated and compared to other
programs, to determine the ranking of the program. Online MBA
rankings are available on several web sites to help the
prospective students come up with a way to rate and discover the
ranking of the schools they may consider attending.

Determining the MBA Rankings

As MBA programs became more prevalent, various publications in
newsprint and in magazines began to talk about the differences
in the programs. From this, a series of informal rankings began
to emerge and people started to rank the programs as a way of
comparison. Eventually, periodical publications became popular
and these contained the MBA rankings. Online MBA rankings were,
of course, the next logical step in distributing these rankings
to the public. Several magazines, such as Forbes, dedicate large
amounts of issues to the MBA rankings each year.

Online MBA rankings follow a set of criteria that are determined
by the study committee. The committee for studying the rankings
comes up with a set of criteria based on the actual course
itself, on the faculty, and on the location of the MBA course.
From there, the ranking is set up and the schools are compared
based on the online MBA rankings. They are then listed in order
from best to worst and distributed with details attached to each
listing. From this organization of information, selecting your
online MBA program becomes a simpler task.

Online Distance Education MBA Programs

Online MBA Programs by Rose

The United States Department of Labor has found that people who
hold a master's degree actually earn eighteen percent more per
week than people who do not have one. The annual report
regarding the state of online education in the United States,
<i>In Growing by Degrees: Online Education in the United States,
2005</i>, it was reported that 44 percent of schools that offer
master's degree programs in person also offer online master's
degree programs. The convenience of distance learning master's
degree programs makes it easier for working professionals to
pursue higher education without compromising their current

The United States Department of Education found that over 75
accredited colleges offer MBA education online. Virtual
classrooms provide literally hundred of options for graduate
students to select from in areas such as science, arts, fine
arts, accounting, real estate, education, finance, business
administration and more.

Distance learning master's degree programs require students to
hold a bachelor's degree and dedicate the greater portion of
their time to studying independently. The possible curriculum of
online master's degree programs may be delivered through email,
virtual lectures, reading assignments, online chats and writing
assignments. Some online graduate education programs may require
students to physically attend a certain number of courses or
workshops to earn residency hours. Testing for online master's
degree programs is frequently done through proctors right in the
student's neighborhood. To help finance their education,
students can pursue federal and state financial aid, loans,
scholarships and employer tuition reimbursement programs.
Students traditionally attend thirty to sixty semester hours to
complete a master's degree, which can be done online in fifteen
to thirty-six months.

Master's degrees are differentiated by post-nominal letters that
show the level of academic achievement a student has earned. The
most common areas of master's degree education are Master of
Education (MEd, MAT, MSEd), Master of Science (MS), Master of
Arts (MA) and Master of Business Administration (MBA). MBA
education online programs allow busy business executives to
conveniently fit advanced learning into their schedules.
Further, one in five students studying to earn a master's degree
pursues an MBA, proving that MBA education online affords more
people the chance to achieve higher learning.

According to the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics, those
people who hold a master's degree enjoy salaries that are $200
higher than those people who hold a bachelor's degree. Distance
learning master's degree programs enable more people to pursue
the dream of higher education without compromising their current

<b>SUMMARY</b>: The United States Department of Labor has found
that people who hold a master's degree actually earn eighteen
percent more per week than people who don't have one. MBA
education online programs allow busy business executives to
conveniently fit advanced learning into their schedules.
Further, one in five students studying to earn a master's degree
pursues an MBA, proving that MBA education online affords more
people the chance to achieve higher learning.

The Pros And Cons Of Getting Your Education MBA Online

The Pros And Cons Of Getting Your MBA Distance Education Online by Trevor Marshall

Times today, most people would like to earn more than what
theyre getting. Its only practical that they do. Some of them
resort to sideline work to earn a little bit of extra. But there
are others who decide to pursue a master of business
administration or MBA degree.

There are a lot of opinions circulating on this matter. Some
feel that once they have an MBA written on their curriculum
vitae, it could bag them a better or higher paying job. While
some feel that experience, not just education, is the key. These
are the ones who prefer to have years in the workplace, rather
than spend it in an academic institution.

So why not get the most out of both worlds right? Some enroll
online for their MBA and they do this while they are working.
Thats because they dont actually intend to transfer jobs. They
just want to continue earning while they are pursuing an
education that could provide a secure and more financially
stable future.

Applying for an online MBA is also suggested to parents who stay
at home most of the time to take care of the children and to
manage the house. If you think about it, pursuing an MBA online
is quite beneficial to the individual because he gets to do more
without sacrificing much.

Come to think of it, MBAs are beneficial for those who have been
employed for more than 3 to 4 years. There is truth to the
belief that having experienced the working atmosphere, the
employee knows better on the subject and not just those that are
taught on paper.

Those who pursue MBA right after college are sometimes
encouraged. But then realistically speaking, it is better if
they do go out there in the real world first before they enroll
themselves in another university.

When making a major decision in life such as pursuing an MBA
online or not, its better to make a pros and cons list. We have
provided you with such:


1. It will help you in staying competitive. An MBA gives the
student an edge. If an employer is looking for someone to work
under him, naturally he prefers someone who has an MBA. Another
edge of applying online for an MBA helps you to gain experience
in the work place and still learn more about businesses,
marketing and other fiscal transactions in your free time. Thus,
you are not in the losing end when you apply for a position you
both have the education and the experience.

2. It doesnt matter if you pursued it online or not. Statistics
show that those who have MBA degrees have high-paying positions
in management. It also shows that they are getting higher

3. Obviously, pursuing an online degree, the advantage is that
the student can be located anywhere in the world and that
wouldnt be a problem whatsoever. The student interacts with the
faculty through email. His schedule is under his own control. As
long as he passes the requirements, then there wouldnt be any


1. Online or not, pursuing an MBA is expensive. The irony is
that those who usually go for MBA are people who need additional
income. The reason why they need additional income is that they
have a family to support. IF they would really want to sign up
for a class, even if its online, they would have to really
ponder on the matter whether they can shell out that much cash.
How much would they gain from this investment?

2. Because there is no monitoring, the student tends to be lax
when it comes to submitting papers and needed requirements. If
there is no self-discipline, then this will not work.

3. As convenient as getting MBA online is to this modern world,
there are still some successful and high-paying companies who
prefer the traditional classroom set-up. That is something the
student must also bear in mind.

If the person is determined to pursue an online MBA degree then
he has to carefully look into the universities who offer the
best and trusted accredited quality education. The University of
Phoenix is one.

In the end, its always the persons choice. Also, thatever
decision he comes up with, there would always be pros and cons,
but then again, how can you gain something when you are not
willing to invest?

July 29, 2007

Online PhD Degrees - Achieve The Next Level In Pajamas

Online PhD Degrees - Achieve The Next Level In Pajamas by Nelson Widrow

What's valuable to our society nowadays? I'm afraid that if we answered that question I would become very depressed. So, let's not get to in depth with that one, except would it be fair to say that many of the things on that list would qualify as superficial? Ugh, I'm getting depressed. But, that's a blanket generalization and certainly doesn't apply to all. What do you think about education? Or educating others? Ooh, just the thought alone gives a little lift to my heart. I have thought for a long time that teaching is one of the noblest professions around. I have the utmost respect for those who have dedicated their lives to enhancing the lives of others through expanding their understating of the world, mental capacity, analytical reasoning, and even the self-empowerment that comes from gaining these things. Unfortunately, with our skewed value system, the educational system seems to always be in need of competent, trained teachers, at all levels of education. This is where online PhD degrees comes in.

If you are already working within the education field this could be a great option for you. You're already certified as a teacher and have gained a good understanding of the type of schooling you'd like to pursue. Your schedule is tight, as the work day of teachers doesn't end when the bell rings. Virtually all major Universities are now offering education online PhD degrees and more are starting all the time. So, its not about some disreputable institution that provides you with a faux degree, but the same quality of classes that require the same demanding work, except you can work around your schedule.

Getting your education PhD degree will provide you with the understanding in various educational methodologies and practices, the theoretical base, research and administration knowledge that you can use to advance in your career and offer the students the best possible opportunity to learn as possible. This is achievable through an online PhD degree.

About the Author
Nelson Widrow is an author who's written multiple articles about online degrees. Read more of his articles including: online accredited degrees and online phd degrees.

PhD Degree In Distance Learning - for Mastery of Online Education

PhD Degree In Distance Learning - for Mastery of Online Education by Jim Zorn

A PhD degree in distance learning is the most prestigious degree awarded in the field of education these days. PhD or Doctor of Philosophy is awarded for a number of specializations including Instructional Design for Online Learning, Leadership for Higher Education, Leadership in Educational Administration, Postsecondary and Adult Education, Professional Studies in Education, Training and Performance Improvement, etc. The PhD degree is awarded in recognition of an original contribution to the subject, the demonstrated mastery and knowledge of the subject or for conducting and presenting scholarly research on a selected topic. This is known as the doctoral thesis or dissertation.

Educational Requirements for PhD Degree

The PhD degree in distance learning requires completion of a master's degree in education accompanied by two to five years of postgraduate research training. Some institutions may not require a master's degree, if the candidate has relevant expertise. The aspiring doctoral candidates in distance learning are selected on the basis of written and oral examination. Then they must conduct the research on their chosen subject and write a dissertation. On completion of the research, doctoral students have to satisfactorily present the dissertation before a committee of professors in the field.

The minimum registration period for a full-time PhD is two years and a maximum of three to four years. But there can be broad variations from university to university. Most of the PhD programs in distance learning have a residency requirement. Doctoral students are required to spend a specific time at their chosen university. This provides the support and valuable sources of information from fellow students and instructors.

Advantages of Acquiring a PhD Degree

The PhD degree in distance learning can lead to a high level position in a number of educational settings whether they are traditional, corporate or online. The PhD program in distance learning is designed to prepare researchers and includes coursework, internships, and independent work in distance learning course planning, data analysis, and instructional theory. A PhD degree is required to become a professor, dean or an administrator in a university.

The PhD degree in distance learning is offered by a number of accredited universities. Some of them are University of Phoenix Online, Walden University, Capella University, University of Maryland University College, Boston University, University of Florida, etc. PhDs in distance learning offered by these universities prepare students to lead and manage challenges in a variety of educational settings. The program provides expertise in designing, organizing, teaching, and evaluating course work for online education.

So, if you aspire to achieve a high level position in any type of educational set up or gain indepth knowledge and expertise in the field of distance learning, a PhD degree is extremely helpful.

About the Author
Jim Zorn is web master of the Guide to Distance Learning. Please visit to learn more about online colleges and universities, distance learning degrees, majors and courses offered. http://www.guide-to-distance-learning.com/index.html

Earn Your Doctorate From An Online Nursing PhD Program

Earn Your Doctorate From An Online Nursing PhD Program by Amanda Jones

Are you looking to earn your doctorate from an online nursing PhD program? Today, virtually all levels of education are available to meet your needs in the online environment. If you are looking to further you education to this level, there are plenty of benefits for you on the web. The goal that you should have is comparing the various schools as well as their curriculum to determine the most effective method of obtaining this degree program. If you want to earn your doctorate from an online nursing PhD program, there is no doubt that you can do just that.

Comparing Schools

One of the many things that you need to keep in mind is the level of education your currently have. Each online school will offer their program with different qualifications for you as well as different criteria in the program. You should determine how well these aspects compare to your specific needs. When it comes down to it, you will want to determine which the right fit for your needs is.

Compare the schools for their level of education as well. Things to consider including the school's recognitions, the school's pass rate of licensing programs, and their ability to provide one on one attention to their students. There is no doubt that having the best school will insure that you get the degree that you need to have rather than one that provides you with just a passing score. Still, there is much more to consider including how well the school provides for your needs in the method of educating you.

There are several opportunities for you that you can earn your doctorate from an online nursing PhD program. Finding them is not difficult, but taking the time to determine the right one for you should take some detailed considerations. With a few minutes online, you could be well on your way to having the doctorate that you are looking for. When you are ready to begin, get started online today.

About the Author
To learn more about the online nursing PhD, Amanda Jones recommends Nursing Degree Guide, the ultimate resource center for nursing students.

The Essential Facts Every Student Should Know About Taking A PhD Online

The Essential Facts Every Student Should Know About Taking A PhD Online by Wade Robins

The highest achievement anyone could make in his or her academic career is completing a PhD, otherwise known as a doctorate. There is no higher qualification available unless you go on to teach in an academic institution. However, all PhD students are pledging to commit to possibly the hardest and most tiring task they will ever undertake. You have to eat, sleep and breathe your PhD course in order to pass it. It is somewhat surprising, therefore, that online colleges or universities now offer PhD programs as a part of their curriculum.

Accredited online PhD degrees are just as tough as campus based ones, if not more so. Although they retain the degree of flexibility that any online program affords students, accredited online PhD degrees require a lot more time and dedication. You can communicate with an assigned tutor and take online classes, but you are essentially on your own. Online colleges or universities expect extreme dedication and intellectual ability simply because less than 1% of the world's population actually achieves the honor.

The general course content of an accredited online PhD is exactly the same as a campus based PhD. Every PhD student must specialize in a certain area of academia, from physics to literature to business. Within that subject they should then choose one element or group of elements to research and enhance their knowledge on. Campus students are expected to present their findings in a dissertation and oral presentation. They will be comprehensively questioned in the latter to make sure that their knowledge is suitably extensive. To some extent, online colleges and universities also follow these requirements.

Accredited online PhD degrees differ from the normal online degree structure. Although the majority of the degree program, including core and elective classes, continue online as normal, most online colleges or universities insist upon personal attendance to progress meetings, or colloquia. The meetings tend to last at least a week and thus the student is required to be a resident during that period. Capella University is one of the schools that require attendance, justifying it as a necessary evil to ensure that students are progressing and actively working toward their goal.

Accredited online PhD degrees are not only more expensive, costing around $4000 per quarter for tuition, they also last a lot longer than regular online degrees. Most programs are expected to last between four and eight years, although some accelerated learning online colleges and universities aim to get their students through it in two to three years.

It is thoroughly necessary to seriously consider what an accredited online PhD degree will cost you, in terms of freedom and energy, before committing to one. Bachelor degrees online have nothing on these courses. You have to be serious about your education otherwise you will fall flat on your face. However, online PhDs do still allow a sense of freedom and flexibility that may well be welcome when you face such a momentous task.

About the Author
You can also find more information at Online University Medical Degree and online university degree. Onlineuniversitydegreehelp.com is a comprehensive resource to know importance of college degree.

How Does Success University Use Online Education To Make You

How Does Success University Use Online Education To Make You
Money by Dina Fedorova

If you are looking for an online education, the most visited
website available today is Success University. Success
University is the world's first online learning company devoted
exclusively to personal development and entrepreneurialism. The
Internet is making it possible for people from all walks of life
to make money online if they are willing to work.

One problem ordinary people have is they do not have the
personal skills or the technical skills to use the Internet to
make money. Success University helps solve both of these
problems. Here are a few ways they do that.

- They have spent several hundred thousand dollars developing
audio and video courses to help you improve your life in various
ways such as learning how to deal with the different challenges
as they come up on a daily basis and how to understand your
inner self. Also you can learn to develop the positive attitude
that allows you to control how others feel about you. Finally,
learn how your sub-conscious can play a role in your success and
many more personal development learning courses.

- Another way you can get an online education with Success
University is by developing the skills it will take to run a
successful Internet home business. Things like goal setting, how
to advertise your online business, the fastest way to build a
network marketing down line, how to do pay per click advertising
and other business building tips are covered. - Success
University offers some of the top tools to help you make money
online as well. You will get several websites that you can refer
prospects to depending on the level of the relationship you have
with them. You might send a friend to one website and market
your business online to complete strangers with a different. SU
has a lead capture system in place that automatically follows up
with potential business partners for you. This provides you with
the names, phone numbers, and email addresses of your prospect
so that you can follow up directly as well.

- One of the reasons for the phenomenal growth of Success
University in such a short time is the business model they have
established their company on. As an Internet network marketing
company they make it possible for anyone in the world to make
money. Their compensation plan is based on a binary plan which
helps ordinary people begin to make money quickly, which is a
key to the high retention rate they are experiencing in the
normally volatile mlm industry.

If you are looking for the best way to make money on the
Internet you are going to want to give Success University a hard
look. Millionaires are being created in a very short time with
this business. By using the success system they have in place to
improve yourself and make money at the same time you are able to
help people and get paid, which is truly a win-win situation for

Online Education - Know your Options before you Enrol at a

Online Education - Know your Options before you Enrol at a
University or College by Chileshe Mwape

Some Universities and Colleges have opened a whole new line of
education for today's busy people and for people in smaller
cities and towns. You no longer have to sit in a classroom for 8
hours a day in-order to study for a Diploma, Bachelor's Degree,
Master's Degree or Doctoral Degrees such as PhD's.

There are many Colleges and Universities in the UK and elsewhere
that are now offering online courses. Of course if you're
interested in the more traditional distance education courses
and programs, there are some well established institutions where
you can enrol. These online and distance education courses allow
you to complete your degree or diploma course at your own pace.
So before you take study leave from work or change your career
just because your local college doesn't offer what you're
looking for, find out if there are some accredited courses being
offered online or through distant learning. You'll be surprised.

To reach the very top of any profession, you need to gain the
right qualifications, and with a good degree course or diploma
you'll be giving yourself the perfect start in your professional
life. You'll learn in your own time, at your own pace and from
the comfort of your own home - so whatever your circumstances,
you'll have a much better chance of succeeding!

The great thing about online education is that with most
colleges and universities, you can enrol at any time of the
year. The courses are structured in small, manageable units, so
you'll find learning very easy and enjoyable.

A growing number of physical universities as well as newer
online only colleges have begun to offer a select set of
academic degree programs via the internet. These programs range
from Diplomas and Certificates to Doctoral programs with
available emphasis in everything from Business Administration to
Criminal Justice to Nursing. While some programs require
students to attend some campus classes or summer classes, many
are completely online. In addition, several universities offer
online student support services, such as online advising,
student governments and student newspapers.

Get the Education You Want Through an Accredited Online College

Get the Education You Want Through an Accredited Online College
or university by Ian Koch

Getting a higher education was never this easy. Gone are the
days when students had to run from one college to another and
one university to another to seek admission to the program they
are interested in. The world of education has changed forever
with the introduction of online degrees provided by accredited
online colleges and universities.

Just a few years back students coming out of high school or even
working people looking for an additional degree had just two
modes of further education open to them - attend physical
classrooms at a college or university or go in for a distance
education course by post/mail. This limited the options
available to student and executives alike and many of them had
to forego further education either because of not having enough
resources or unavailability of their preferred programs in a
college near their home.

All of this changed with the introduction of online degree
programs and the advent of accredited online colleges and
universities. Slow to start with, the demand for online degrees
has increased manifold in the last few years. Within just a
decade, the number of students opting for study through
accredited online colleges and universities has jumped - from a
few thousand in 1994-'95 to more than 120,000 in 2003.

Government surveys reveal that while there were only 84
accredited online universities in the US in the mid 90s, this
number has soared to more than 1200 today with almost every
major university and college in the country providing online
degree programs. Today almost every major course is available
online and students can take their pick of programs available.
The best part about online degree programs is that a student, if
he or she has the ability, can opt for multiple programs

Another major benefit of getting an online degree is the savings
that can be made. Most of the time the course fees for an online
degree program covers everything from course material to online
coaching and examination fees. Moreover the student can conduct
all of his/her studies from home with just a computer connected
to the internet. As a result, huge savings can be made in the
form of commuting expenses. Also online programs are highly
flexible and allow the student/executive to study at his/her own
time and pace.

With the internet reaching almost every nook and cranny of the
world, online degrees and accredited online colleges and
universities have come to be accepted across all countries. As a
result, the benefits gained by going in for an online course
often far outweigh those of regular education.